Hey, what’s up, everybody? It’s Justin Live from B2B vault, the payment technology podcast with your host, Allen Kopelman. And we’ll be providing you with educational information about business, payments, FinTech, decentralized finance, and the technology businesses use in today’s world.
And in today’s podcast, we’re going to do the monthly wrap-up where we talk about everything that we talked about! It might be a little redundant for those that have caught all the podcasts. But, for those people who haven’t, there’s a little. It could be your first time! It could be your first time, check it out, and hopefully we cover some good.
So what’s up first? Let’s talk FinTech Friday’s been really popular, so I’d like to say thank you to everybody. That’s our Live thing that we do on Fridays and we try to do it around 3:00- 3:30. Yep.
And, we’ve had some people come on live and ask some questions, so that’s been cool! The things that we’ve been talking about this month we talked a lot about crypto. Crypto is just crazy in the news. Most of it has gotta do with a lot of government regulation. And today they dropped a big bomb on all the crypto companies demanding that they produce all their records.
Since like 2009, something crazy like that. And they went to Coinbase, buy-ins, and FX. What do you mean by records? They want records of all their transactions. They want to see like all the, I don’t know how what are they going to do with it? But they’re like, want to see like their records! How are they gonna have over, that’s 13 years.
That’s just saying 13 years of receipts. That’s crazy. Maybe they can go back seven. Maybe. I think that’s the legal thing. Like when you have a business, you’re only supposed to keep your records for seven years. I was just on the phone with the IRS, and she said, we can go back 10. 10? Okay, 10 years! That’s crazy. But I’m just saying, so maybe 10 years they can go back.
So, 2022, 2011, they can go back to. It’s a little nuts, but I don’t know what’s going on with that. And there was a very negative, whoever Powel is, I think he’s with the federal reserve, and Janet Yellen made some announcement today and sent crypto into a little spiral. I saw a few posts about it.
Yeah. Yeah, and then I was talking to somebody about cryptocurrency this morning and they were talking about a bunch of enhancements that these companies have done recently and it’s causing a problem with their processing, the transactional processing that they do. For that particular company? For everybody, because these companies are putting in like their own payment rails.
Ethereum just upgraded to their like 2.0 or whatever. Yeah, but I’m saying like the wallet company, like Coinbase, you could do a Coinbase-to-Coinbase transaction. Like you have Coinbase, and I have Coinbase, or I have FTX and you have it, we can send money back and forth really easily. But now they change the procedure of how if you using a third-party service, like some of the ones we work with, how to send the money out of your wallet, they change the procedure.
So that’s just that affects that sense. It affects everybody who’s doing that really. It’s making it, it’s making it a little, it’s not making it harder. It’s just changed the transaction flow. So now that needs to just be communicated to the customer so they understand. So we’re getting something typed up so we can send it out to the client so they understand how it works, and what the procedure is.
Because the old procedure is not working. Not working. Well, If you want to be wallet agnostic the payment is going to work a little bit differently than it was before. Got it! That’s all because you don’t want to force people to move their coin from one wallet to another. All right, other stuff we talked about, so we covered like high risk this month.
I’m going all over the list. So I’ll just cross off stuff as we talk about it, instead of going straight down. Okay. We’ll go straight down the list. So, we talked about the digital commerce event that I attended. That was a good event. And we talked, yeah, we talked about, what, like one of the struggles I was meeting with somebody earlier from a community bank.
I was telling them that I was at this conference, spoke to some community banks, and what struggles they were telling me about with, especially in regards to them being able to sign up merchant accounts. And then they said they’re having the same exact thing. They work with a traditional credit card processor.
Customers don’t seem to like that. And the majority of their customers are going to PayPal, Stripe, square, etcetera. And so, I showed them the dashboard for the new product that we’re getting ready for the rollout. And they really liked it. They like the signup procedure of it and all that. Now they are going to check to see how we can work out a deal.
We learned a lot. I learned a lot about that at that conference. It was a lot of, like we talked about on here, the wallets that people are using. Different wallet products that are coming out, all different ways how to pay. What’s going on with fraud? I don’t think there’s a real answer for fraud.
You’re talking about at the MPC digital commerce? Yeah, at that commerce event. I spoke at the event on a panel about point-of-sale and how now we’re making it affordable anyway, for merchants to deliver for the SMB market to deliver an Omnichannel experience. So we’re coming out with it.
It’s already out, but you got to call us to find out about it. But soon it’ll be up on the website and fully operational. We talked about it in one of the podcasts, “which was hard to come up with a title for it”, but what businesses get special interchange fees? And, merchants really need to understand that, having the correct S IIC code for their business can really save them money.
Insur, we talked about different ones, even restaurants have special interchange fees. You don’t want to be set up under the wrong interchange category. If you are set up under the right one, your savings can be 20, 40, or 50 basis points. And the same thing, let’s say you’re doing B2B transactions.
On B2B, being is to have the ability to be using software that’s level two level three software. So, if you’re doing level two and level three software, you can have savings of 30 to 60, 70 basis points per transaction, which is a ton of money. Yeah. So, understanding how the system works and how I don’t call it manipulation, but it’s just you call the CPA and they help you to get your tax rate down.
Okay. Justin had a question about taxes, we called my brother. We found out that. Had to do it a certain way, then there were no taxes. So, the same thing, if you’re doing things the right way with credit card processing, you can save on fees. It’s important, for businesses!
And then another subject we talked about was, is software, the new credit card processor. So, I believe the answer to that is yes. And it’s gonna continue to grow. What do you think, Justin? I agree since working here, the amount of different types of software that’s coming out for you to get paid.
It’s like, why would you just limit yourself to PayPal? It’s there are just a lot of options out there that people can use. For different types of businesses, right? Yes. And the software as a service is a really growing business. It’s gonna continue to grow and payments are gonna be integrated into that.
And we can help people integrate payments into their software products. Yep. And then they can get it to be part of our new boarding process too, and eliminate all the negotiation and paperwork and all the going back and forth and calling on the phone, the things that people don’t want to do anymore. Everybody wants to have this “we were calling, what did we call?” What did we, what did I call that seamless? Not seamless. We were saying it’s the. I don’t know. Whatever! Everybody wants to have a seamless process so that they can sign up and be, make it easy. Easy, easier ways to do business.
Like you don’t have to go to the Justin bought a car. Frictionless! Right, Frictionless! Justin went and bought; he needed a car. So, he bought a car from Carvana. To me, that sounds crazy, but just saying like the experience, he didn’t have to go to the car dealership. He didn’t have to go deal with the person.
I didn’t do anything. And then you, I didn’t even put it down payment. The finance, everything was done online, back and forth with some emails, and documents, and that was it! There was no email involved. Oh, no email. Just on the website. You log in, and you create your account. They ask you for your documents.
You upload ’em. You get approved. Yeah! It literally took me two minutes to get approved. Yeah, it’s crazy. Like, why do you want to go to the car dealership? And the delivery process was a little sketch and I didn’t, I wasn’t really feeling that part. Like they told me my car was going to be here on Friday.
It took a almost 10 days before I got it. That was the wackest part of it. I wonder if we came from another state. No. The car was originally from Arkansas, but it was down here. Oh, okay. So, they delivered it from right up. There’s their Carvana it’s right up the street from here. Oh, okay. Unusual, so they got to get a little better on that, but that, I it’s probably not my circumstance, it’s not the same for everyone.
Like I’m sure, Other people were told that their car was going to be there on Friday. They probably got it. It was just a circuit, whatever, it’s not like I’m, but overall it’s, I’m not dissing the whole Carvana process. I’m just saying the delivery process was a pain in the neck, because I didn’t get my car when they told me I was going to get it.
Other than that, I would highly suggest if you’re in the market for a new car and you don’t feel like dealing with the dealerships then. You’re willing to pay a little bit more of a premium because of that option, then Carbona will probably be very good for you because I found my car really quickly and I’m, I’m happy with it.
Do you think it was like a little extra? I think that there’s like the price of the car yeah. Is more than it would typically be at like a regular dealership. Okay. Because of the, know, you’re basically. It’s like an e-com shop, right? Like you’re going shopping for a car online. I don’t know exactly.
I guess I could do the little digging, I think maybe a few hundred dollars. I’m sure there’s looked like it was in good shape. It’s in really nice. It’s really nice shape, it was Clean’s clean. Yeah. Yeah. If you rated the buying experience, what would you give the buying?
I will 10. Yeah. One to 10 I had to get an oil change right away. I didn’t like that. Okay. But I’m just we’re not talking about that. We’re talking about just buying process. I’ll give it an eight. Okay. That’s pretty good. I was talking to somebody today that they actually signed up a donut shop for our new service.
And the guy told me, he goes, the sign signup process was amazing. Really? He He goes, yeah, he goes, it was to complete. I got the machine, I got it. Set up. Boom boom. And it, and they’re very happy with it. Oh, cool. Did you have him give us a review? We were going to, he said he is going to, I’m going to send him the link to the review.
He said he would leave us a review. Really? He enjoyed the The whole process of getting it set up, and then there was a little, few kinks when he got the machine, it’s always getting it set up. Yeah. But now we know how to do that and we’re gonna make some videos so that we don’t run into those problems real quick.
Before you keep going shout outs to all the listeners, followers, the likers and lovers. We love you guys. Shout out to you guys for listening and tuning in weekly. Biweekly annually, whatever it is that you do, you’re always appreciated. The love is never lost. Shout out to my mama. Hi mom. I’ll say hi to my mom.
She watches sometimes. Don’t forget moms. Hi, Samantha’s mom and dad. If they watch, they’re not watching down in Columbia. No. Oh anyway. Say hi to Samantha’s sister. Maybe she’s watching in Orlando. Yeah, maybe, but yeah, man. So shout out to all the followers, make sure you check us out on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, LinkedIn at B2B vault.
Join the community on Facebook. The B2B vault community got some stuff coming in. The works for that. Please head over to the YouTube and subscribe to the B2B vault channel. We need to get them subscribers up so we can get some Mola, baby. Anything else? Oh yeah, B2B vault.info. If you want to check on any past episodes, you can get your listening ears.
Going on there. There’s also a couple of forms for you to fill out if you’re interested or wanting to, you want to curse us out. You want to, got any questions for us, there’s a form on there for you to fill out, to get in touch with either Alan or myself, and also a nice, beautiful form for you to fill out if you’re interested in sponsoring the podcast, meaning our sponsors shout out to them nationwide payment systems, NPS printer.
Thank you. Yeah, that’s all I got. That’s all you got. And also, you can text the word book to 9 5 4 8 2 7 9 8 1 8 and get an appointment. Find out more information. If you need to get a merchant account, you want to find out about hooking up your software. Special interchange rates, whatever you want to talk about, we’re here to talk about that.
Argue about the latest payment processing trends. Let’s go. Okay. Then we talked, we did another episode about automating your invoice for businesses. Woo that’s. One was fun. was, Hey, listen, somebody actually listened to that and contacted me. And they said, Hey, how do I do that for my QuickBook? I’m excited about it, right?
Because I. Other people who are in the digital marketing web design. We signed up a couple of digital creators period. We signed up a couple of digital marketers for the invoicing specifically when recently. Oh really? Yeah. We signed up and no, but uhno a guy called me and he is oh, he goes, I need the better.
Thing for invoicing links up to my QuickBooks. I showed him our new software. He’s wow, that’s amazing started using it. He synced it to his QuickBooks and he loves it. Good. It’s always good to hear that. The other thing we had this recently this month was the B2B vault, our hundredth episode.
Oh, wow. That was this month. Wasn’t it? Yeah, it was at the beginning of the month. And we gave away the mega quests, meta quests. The mega quests and that meta MEST and actually the woman who won, wrote us a nice note on B2B vault. Oh, she did. Yeah. I didn’t even, I didn’t see. You didn’t notice. Yeah. She made a comment.
Thanks for the medical. Oh, I did see that. Didn’t I say I, the thumbs up or something for sure. She murder a note back. So that was pretty cool that we enjoyed, never heard from the other two winners. So we’re recycling your prizes. Yeah. We’re have to have a, we’re have to have we’re going to come up with another giveaway for the.
Then we talked about chargebacks and what a headache. Come on. Who didn’t want a hundred dollars gas card? I know what the did crazy. Yeah. I was tripping hundred dollars gas card and a $50 Amazon. It’s not like you had to spend a hundred dollars. We were just going to give a right. Giving it away card.
It’s not like you had to stuff too. We threw in a. A t-shirt and a bunch of other stuff. Yeah. Mug stickers. Yeah. You can get a bunch of stuff from us, but we’ll have to go back to the drawing board for another contest. Yeah. We talked about chargebacks and what a headache chargebacks are that businesses go through with chargebacks, whether they’re online.
Or in a face-to-face environment where people are just don’t feel like paying their bill and then they just want to make the business great. It’s something that I was gonna ask you about what is something a merchant can do say they’re a eCommerce store, right? What is something that they could do to prevent chargebacks?
A few things that you can do is your business best practices. Let me. Have a phone number on your website. That’s number one, make sure it’s answered 24 hours a day. Even if you have to go to a, an answering service, we used to use an answering service that answered phones for doctor’s office, because it’s really cheap.
Cause they’re not gonna get a ton of phone calls. And that can save you because people will call up. Like I recently had to do a charge. I ordered something. It never showed up. I called the people. They didn’t answer their phone. I emailed them. They didn’t answer. I called them back. They didn’t answer sent an email, no answer.
So, I did a chargeback I didn’t get the stuff. So besides that all, so you are one in your checkout process, make sure it’s clear. How long is it gonna take to get the product right. I, so alright after that, so I’ve covered all my bases. I dotted all my eyes and crossed all my Ts.
No, I’m getting some more stuff. What is the like, I’m like that’s the basic stuff. What’s the other thing. Yeah. So I’m so the other thing, other things you can do. You can have, you could use 3d secure on your website. So, what that does is it basically you install like a little code on the checkout page.
The customer doesn’t know, see it, they don’t even know it’s there. What that code does is it as when the person hits enter to send the credit card information, it captures the credit card information. it sends a message, their little code with it across the network. Okay. With the credit card transaction together.
And then what it does is when it’s authorized. So, what happens in a credit card transaction on a website, it goes out through the gateway and then it goes and pings your bank. So, when it pings your bank, there’s this extra 3d secure code in there. And it says, let’s say. Say, Hey, is that Justin’s credit card.
And is that a registered device for Justin? And then if the bank says, yes, that transaction gets a little token next to it. Let’s say Justin decides to do a chargeback. The bank has to eat it. Okay. They give him your Mon; you give you your money back. Me as the merchant, I don’t even know anything happened.
I never even find out about it. So is there anything that beyond that, say I’m shipping. Can merchants take pictures of their cells like at the post office or I’m just curious. No, you can, you could maybe hook something up in your website. It might be a little more sophisticated where people can, so when it gets shipped, people get the tracking number, or you have a place on your website where they can log in.
And see their, because basically what I’m asking, what I’m basically what I’m getting at is. The chargebacks are inevitable. Like you are going to get a chargeback. No, but I’m saying the more things you do, you put in place that, like things like you sent them the tracking number. So, they actually got it. It’s not a mystery. How many times I’ve ordered stuff, never received the tracking number. I don’t know if it’s on the way. Oh yeah. I go to their website. And you’re like, there’s nothing on there. You call them on the phone. They don’t answer waiting on some stuff. I, something that I ordered once is really funny from Walmart and I didn’t realize that Walmart actually runs like an Amazon style.
Yeah. I didn’t know that. Yeah. I thought I was buying it from Walmart. No. So, I bought something. It never, you could buy Rolex from Walmart now? No. It never showed. I called the phone number. They were like, no help. So, I did a chargeback, so I charged it back. And that literally , you’re going to laugh.
When, tell you about eight months later, you got the package showed up in the mail. . I was like, Eight months later. That’s crazy. I didn’t pay for it. So, I didn’t care. I didn’t even want it anymore. but it was ridiculous. No, but you got to put, I get phone calls every day from merchants. Oh, how can I stop chargebacks?
There’s no way you can stop charging. You can’t have somebody sign a piece of paper that says I will not do a chargeback. That doesn’t hold up because you have an agreement as the merchant, the cardholder, as an agreement with their bank, their cardholder agreement allows them to dispute transaction. So, you can’t stop charge wrecks.
What you can do is put policies in place to prevent so you can win. In your store, physical store, call the customer service. Say I want in the bottom of my ticket to say all sales final. Okay. Guess what? If it says all sales final, somebody does a chargeback. You send it in. You’re going to. Pretty much, but you have to address everything the person complains about.
And believe me, I’ve seen some of these letters. I read some on that episode. They’re really funny. They’re letters. Persons like the one guy said he didn’t get the drink that he ordered. That, that, that blew my mind like bro. Not only that he said he was in the one guy said he was expecting a delivery.
Two days later at a, from a bar. What’s the bargain to delivery you two days later. I don’t know a happy ending, I don’t know. No, I’m just saying, like we wrote back and we said, this is a bar you walk in. Literally we had obviously lost that chargeback. Yeah. We had another guy do a chargeback recently.
That was ridiculous. Okay. The guy went into a nightclub, a regular nightclub, and they have the private couch. The couches like a VIP yeah. VIP. So, the guys wrote in the chargeback, he didn’t get the V I P area that he was expecting. So, I had to write a whole letter of explanation that said, oh, when somebody comes in and they want a VIP area, the hostess, or the manager takes them around the club and shows them what’s available where nobody’s sitting.
And then that’s what you can. If you want to wait, because some guy’s sitting where you want to sit, then you got to wait till they, they leave. Because most people it’s like an hour or two hours or three hours. They’re I mean who’s sitting there and waiting for the VIP take. No, whatever there was open ones.
I’ll tell you something that a very important person isn’t waiting for three hours. Just sit in the VIP. I tell you that. But I’m just saying, so you, so they. 10 15 VIPs. Oh my God. So, the guy picked one and he went, but he wasn’t, he didn’t like it. He didn’t like it. So, we were like, he didn’t feel very important.
So, we wrote, we had to explain how it works, how the guy got handed up. I’m like, are you serious? We have to explain that everybody knows how it works, either that, or you go take out like 10. Pop it in the manager’s hand and go, I want to sit right there and then they’ll go over and hand the guy sitting there right now, probably like three grand.
Hey, you want to move over there? Then you can go there. Just paid for your VIP experience. I’m just saying like that it, chargebacks are crazy. Like I talked to another guy too, today that’s from a car dealership and they say, oh, they have people trying to do a chargeback. I’m like, what are you kidding me person?
Put a down payment on a car, like three grand. Then they’re writing in. I didn’t get the. Of course, they got the car. You got, they have all the paperwork showing the guy, got the car.
The guy doesn’t want to pay his bill. Sometimes people will do that. Because he asked me, why would somebody do that? And I said they could prolong, they could extend out maybe a month or two from paying that bill, because it’s in dispute, but you still don’t have that money who doesn’t have it.
The person who. No, the BR the business owner got the money ripped out of their account. And then this guy doesn’t have to pay his bill, but they’re going to win the chargeback. Cuz it’s a car. It says all sales are final. it’s just crazy, crazy. And then we talk about then we did a whole episode on high risk.
Why you’re high risk, not high risk. Sometimes high risk just means you’re in a niche kind of business or an emerging type of market. I learned a lot in that episode, so this week I got a lot of high-risk phone calls. So, one of them was a guy selling ERO, erotic books that you could download, or you could download the audio file, listen to, the book on your phone.
I. Like romantic novels? They were a little bit above erotic. So, there was some, I don’t have any experience, any erotic novels, sir. Okay. So the unless it’s like a graphic novel, so he said there was no pictures, it was just written. So, the guy says to me, I’m guessing like 50 shades of gray, maybe a little bit, Gotcha.
That’s fine. So, I said to him, I said, we probably can get you a merchant account. However, there’s some word wording on the website that needed to be toned down because the card brands have rules against certain things like age. Eight things related to age or forcing or violence or any of that, it’s go, you got to get rid of whatever.
Oh yeah. Some S and M going on. Yeah. So I said, you got to like tone that down and then notch. Yeah. Tone it down a notch. And then we can get you approved for your account. Then let’s see. And had another one where this got a really cool product. I don’t want to let the cat out of the bag, but it was related to.
You paid a one-time fee and then they basically show you how to do something with your credit. It was pretty cool. And then another one was I’m working on is one where somebody’s doing something to collect the political campaigns, collect money, help political campaigns collect a fundraiser. Yeah, like a fun, like a GoFundMe thing for political campaign.
I don’t really, I got to find out more about how it works. We’re going to have to get like proof of that. The people are signed up and some other stuff, but high risk is I always find it very interesting. Yeah. And then I talk to another person with a C B D. Yeah. And I went to their site. I don’t know, who’s processing their cards.
So, we won’t mention the name of the company, you have to have a te the COA, the certificate of analysis for each product, and they have to be less than 12 months old. So, I told them like, you got to fix all that before I can help you. Cuz you’re missing tests on half your products. And then the other ones that I looked at were all at a date.
So they’re still getting. They’re still processing without. Yeah, like now, like we just had a client, we got, they had to get, they get, they got warn. They’re gonna get shut off at the end of next month, if they don’t update all their COAs are going to expire, so they have to update ’em all. And the banks that send ’em a compliance notice Hey, we went to your site.
These are going to all ex all your stuff’s going to expire. So, you need to post news. So, what happens if they don’t if the stuff expires, they just. Can you just remove that from their website and they could remove the item, right? They’d have to take the item down, but most of the time they tested everything in a batch, they tested all their stuff.
Every single product. So now every product is gonna be added. At a compliance next month at the end of next month. So they have a month to get that straightened down and get new tests. So you got it on it, buddy. So the banks are really cracking down on compliance. And then another thing we talked about was we talked about cannabis and what’s going on with cannabis.
And the cashless ATM machines and how recently two networks got shut down that I heard about, we just talked about that yesterday. Yeah. We just talked about it yesterday and how now the, some of the cannabis associations feel that they’re telling their members not to have those machines in their store and to go get an ATM machine, a regular ATM serviced by a third party because they feel.
These, whatever alternative payment methods that some of people are using, some of them are P to P payment methods, but they’re using them in a business setting. And they feel like if they could get that maybe under control or less people using it, or maybe nobody uses this stuff right. That they would have a better chance of getting the safe banking act passed really?
Yeah. And get cannabis so they could take credit card process. But we’ll see how that goes. It’s a, it’s not something I don’t know from, I guess when I think it doesn’t make sense, like regulations it, yeah. But think about that, but it’s not new though. We were regulating cannabis and hemp a very long time ago.
Yeah. But our presidents grew hemp. They were forced, they were, they had to, there was like a thing that you said if you had farmland, you had to grow cannabis. No, but the thing is there’s no, I don’t understand why it’s so difficult. Like also we have this deficit, right? Yeah. We could be collecting a boatload of taxes on all this stuff already, man.
Like nobody’s paying taxes. So, on top of that only the stake are collecting it. We could be, we could, there’s a whole industry that could, that literally save the United States of America. Yeah, it could definitely write the, it could definitely write like hemp and like hemp between hemp, production, like creating, you can create cars.
Clothes paper. Yeah. More stuff could be materials. More stuff could be made from the that’s one of the things like the concrete, the U S D a said, when they released, to make Hep legal, they thought 80% of hemp would be used for commercial purposes. Like what you’re talking about and 20% for CBD. And it actually went the other way.
80 percent’s being used to make CBD 20% for need to have more, grow more industrial. That’s my point. Yeah. I don’t know, dude. It’s just the powers that be are obviously have something against cannabis and I can’t figure it out because there’s a, somebody showed me a website recently.
I have to go look it up again. What it was. I heard ’em talking about it, but it’s a website that showed you where you could follow members of Congress and what stocks there. Yeah. In the the stock market. And I was like, wow. And I was happened to be out walking. And then yeah, we had a whole conversation about that.
Politicians shouldn’t be able to buy stocks. I don’t know, but they talk about what they are buying, and then you go see how it’s related to their district. And then there’s a number of Congress, people who are investors in a bunch of cannabis companies. So why are they investing in cannabis companies?
If it’s illegal, why is congressperson investing in it? I don’t know, but I seen, I don’t know, just random conspiracy theorist stuff right here. No, that’s just no, real quick. I’m just saying yesterday. I was. Go and jumped down the rabbit hole, a little bit of information, and there is a bunker on the top of the mountain.
Yeah. I can’t remember the mountain in it’s in the United States, right in the United States. The US government just got; they just hired a contractor for a $500 million. To build it, no. To improve it, I believe last year. Yeah. There was 350 million for improvements. And in this video, it’s just saying that’s 850 million.
It’s almost a billion. Yeah. They’ve almost put a there’s it’s in the article of saying they’ve almost put, they’ve put over a billion dollars in yeah. In refurbishing this bunker. Yeah. Who’s it? So that in case of a Nurk nuclear fallout yeah. The United States government can continue to do its thing.
Yes. Supposedly it’s only 20 miles from DC. Okay. I know that there’s other stuff buried in the mountains like in Colorado. Oh yeah. I’m sure they have all that, but they also have so the thing about this is it was just weird. It’s like, why are you doing all of that right now? That’s very considering.
Yeah, the war in Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, Sri Lanka, a lot of stuff going on. Great. There’s a lot of Iraq. There’s a lot of Afghanistan. , there’s a bunch of unrest going on, man. It’s let’s spy out here, a skin spooky fellas, ladies and gentlemen, pull up your pants. Make sure you have a supply of water.
And then the last thing, so what else, the last thing we’ve talked about, which we talked about a lot on the podcast lately is omnichannel and, merchants, the SMB, small, medium business merchants, omnichannel, not to be mistaken for Omni run, right? The omnichannel and how businesses need to get on board with that and figure out how.
Create the customer payment experience that their customers want. And we talk about it all the time and then, what bus big businesses have been quite successful with it and smaller businesses need to become successful with it. Yeah. The small business community is having a really they’re put, they always.
There’s a lot of pushback when I start talking about getting the merchant account. They need to get with it because they do need to get with it because there’s a lot of room to make more money. The one thing that I keep expressing is the residual income possibility because in the past we would build a website for a business.
And it’d be done, besides the maintenance or if you’re doing some marketing or social media management for it. That business that you set that website up for, they got to get paid, right? Yeah. Yeah. It’s a business. They have to earn money some way. So they’re going to be even sending invoices, or they’re going to be collecting payments online, or they’re going to be, selling their products outside, out of their shop.
So that’s an opportunity for us. Seeing that we already have their trust because we’re, we’re building their website for their business or we’re doing, whatever digital marketing aspect of it. So we have their trust. Why not take this opportunity to build your partnership with us, and then you can offer those clients merchant service.
And then not only are they’re like helping in, you’re helping your client. Yeah. The client’s dude, this guy built my website, set up my social, blah, blah, blah. And not only that, he made sure that I can get paid for my business. Instead of the tradit, the old school, ways of PayPal or whatever they do, whatever you guys are doing nowadays.
But and then, so then we do that for all of these clients. but then you never get any money using you do it because they go to PayPal or square. Yeah. And then you don’t make any, they don’t, we’re not, I’m not making any money from PayPal. For setting that account up for. But with us, if you go through the way that we’re doing it, yeah.
You partner with us, you get a commission, you get a residual off the, like every month it might not be a, a whole ton of money, but it’d be enough to fill up your gas tank. Yeah. If you’re, if you have a small agency, let’s say you’re building five eCommerce sites a month. At the end of the year, you built 60.
If each one of those clients made, let’s say 50 bucks a month, that’s three grand, a. And residual by the end of the year. Grant, that’s your house? This house card could a couple of cars helping kid going to college. All of them could be a boat. Could be, oh, join the boat club. You could be buying every pair of Yeezys that you ever wanted.
What’s a Yeezy, the shoe Kanye. Oh, that one of those expensive shoes. Kanye shoes. Okay. Are they. They’re like, I don’t know. I’m I think so. Yeah. Yeah. They are. I don’t know. They’re at least $200. You could get some of those fancy air Jordans. You could buy yourself a Rolex really quickly. Okay. So yeah, there you go.
Cause I’m on it, man. Like I, my whole, since I’ve, been trying to se get people to use this service, I. It’s just like, when it clicked in my head, like the light bulb went off and I was like, okay, wow. All the money that I’ve left on the table is crazy. I literally started calling all the, we’ve seen a guy that we know Zachary.
It’s a guy that I know he actually has a agency. And then by. on purpose. He got into the payment space. Oh so it’s a guy that I know. And he got into the payment space and he doesn’t understand. He also doesn’t understand. He’s made a couple of videos about it. He doesn’t understand why web designers and digital marketers and agencies are not hopping on board with partnering with merchant credit card processor.
Come on man. And we have the easiest program for you to partner with us. Person answers 10 questions. Why label it for you? Yeah, answer 10 questions. They get approved. You start making money. That’s it. Your customer is able to take payments. We get most people approved in 10 to 15 minutes. So you were talking about point of sale.
You’re talking about invoicing. You’re talking about SM web plugin, SM the eCommerce plugin. Everything’s included in the program, the point-of-sale. If you’re a brick-and-mortar shop and people pay at your location, D tip, whatever, what is it? It’s all kinds of every tap, dip, and trip.
What is it? No, no dip, dive, duck dip, tap. And then whatever NFC. Pay dip, tap and pay dip, tap, dip, tap, tap taps, dip, and taps. Yeah, you can pay with the equipment we have now. It’s crazy. You can tap your card on it. Tap your phone on it. You can stick your card in. It’s awesome. No, it’s pretty awesome. Yeah.
You can send somebody. I was showing a guy today from a donut shop. He’s oh, we have wholesale clients. That order, like donuts to their office and they want to invoice them one. They want to get invoice once a week. So that show yeah. Showed the guys said, oh, you just go in here, do this.
Boom boom. Send it. It’s done. I sent the guy a sample invoice. It’s wow. He goes, So easy. He goes, I, you do run every, run my whole business, right from there. And it’s and sync it to QuickBooks. He goes, it’s all synced up. They hooked it up and they love it. So it’s working. Great. It’s awesome.
So, thank you for listening to the August 2022 B2B vault payment technology podcast. Wrap up episode with Alan and Justin. And Rocky who’s taken a nap today. Also, if you want to just see something fun, go, follow us on social media, check out Instagram. I think it’s on Instagram and YouTube and TikTok.
There’s a really cool video of Rocky basically attacking me while we’re trying to do the podcast, because he wanted to snack. So, it’s a really funny video check it. We’ll put a link in the podcast put some links in the podcast notes so everybody can go have some fun. Maybe we can get a million views on the Rocky video.
It’s got a few thousand already. Yep. So, everybody have a great day Carp Diem! Peace out from the B2B Vault.