What’s up everybody. It’s Justin live from B2B vault, the payment technology podcast with your host, Alan Copeman. And we’ll be providing you educational information about business payments, FinTech, decentralized finance, and the technology businesses used in today’s world.
And in today’s podcast, we’ll be discussing the MPC. Digital commerce event in Atlanta, Georgia. I was not in attendance. I had to stay home with my lovely children and wife although next year I’d love to go. But Alan, he was there. He was on the panel. He spoke he was there for three days.
There was also a blockchain event later that day. That he also attended and a crypto event, that event that he attended. We’ll talk about tomorrow. We’ll talk about that in the FinTech Fridays, but yeah, man what was going on in the ATO baby? So big shout out to the MPC the staff. We had Shiloh was organizing Marlo who puts on the event, Marlo, Marla, Erman, and Dale, who was helping, oh Dale, shout out to Dale and Marla and Shiloh.
And there’s all the staff that helped them with everything. So it was a really interesting event. So I’d never been to that event before, and I was invited to speak on a panel. So my panel discussion was. Point of sale and payments and how consumers and businesses interact with when they make a payment.
Okay. So that’s what that was about, but we’ll get back to that, we’ll come back to that at the end, so it was. And basically we’ll talk about a little and I had a table at the event, so I met people who were of all sorts so they were business owners there, service providers, people like we do business with, I saw us.
PE companies, clients, companies that we work with, I saw a client, I met with a couple of clients while I was up in Atlanta. And then some companies we could possibly do business with. There were banks there, Neo banks. There’s. Fraud products for the internet. Everything seems to be focused on fraud on the internet.
Meanwhile, there’s like nothing focused on stopping fraud at the point of sale, in a face to face environment. And that’s. I talked to a lot of companies about that and I was like, yes, I don’t understand. There’s just a real big uptick in chargebacks. At the point, in face to face environment restaurants, right?
Bike clubs, retail stores, it’s on a uptick. And I don’t think personally, I don’t think the card brands should allow those chargebacks because they can clearly see somebody use their phone. And did a tap to phone. Someone tapped their card, right? So there was just a lot of talk about these panels were really interesting.
There was a lot of panels the first day that were all about banking, all about, it was all about banking and real time RTP, which is real time payments and how that’s working, but that doesn’t seem to. It seems to be more for like large businesses and enterprises than for the SMB small business, small, medium sized businesses that I don’t think it’s reached down that far down.
Down the chain. Got it. So here we’ll talk about some of the, so there was a lot of buzzword that we heard, when you’re there at a conference for a few days, you start to hear the same buzz words over and over again. So FinTech was discussed a lot. Fri the whole, one of the biggest buzzword was this almost every presentation they were talking about.
Frictionless payments. Describe that for listening. So they’re just talking about frictionless. Somebody wants to pay. They, I wanna jump through a bunch of hoops. So frictionless payment is, Hey, I walk up to the point of sale device. I can tap my car, tap my phone. And they’re just talking about the, I can stick my EMV chip in there.
The peripheral perforation of. That’s a big word revelation, how it became more popular and be, even though it’s been out there for a while during the pandemic, Ooh. Everybody had the cuties, right? The COOs
everybody had the cuties. They want anybody touching their stuff, right? Yeah. So everybody was using all of a sudden technology. That’s been around since 2000. 15, maybe a little bit before that. The apple pay and all that. All of a sudden that’s going big time. You know how that’s increased.
Increased in, in popularity and also, they’re coming, everybody gets these cards now and you just tap your card. Can you do that one outta here? You use that to tap the card? I tap my card. I don’t tap my phone. Yeah. Like one day I left my wallet at home and I was like, man, I need gas. I was like, shit.
I hope. Oh, that’s apple. Whoa. I hope the apple. I hope the apple pay works at the gas station. Sure enough. I got out of the car and apple paid. Nice apple paid for gas. So frictionless was and I think, and I look at frictionless from a standpoint of, how can we do a better job as a merchant service provider?
We launched a new system, right? It’s in soft launch mode now until we get the whole, the, everything up on the soft launch mode. Yeah. Soft launch mode, meaning you, you can contact us. We’ll send you the link text book to 9 5 4 8 2 7 9 8 1 8. And you might get a, yeah, we’ll send you the link.
We’ll call. We’ll ask you what you wanna apply for. And then we’ll send you a. But soon you’ll be able to do it off of the website, answer 10 questions, connect your bank account, pay your first month with your credit card. And then you’ll have your merchant account in 15 minutes, as long as, and if they can’t verify your identity, you get another email and they ask you to send a few items driver’s license.
And it’s maybe something about your business. There’s a one time. Yeah. And there’s a one time fee you pay on the way out the door. The reason we do that is to cut down on setting up fraudulent accounts. You fakers out there we have to prevent fraud. That was another topic of discussion fraud.
There wasn’t any security like, oh yeah. They were talking about security and security of payments. And one of the things that was a big discussion. Wallets, there was a whole discussion about, and I didn’t realize this I’m so tired of this wallet. No. So let me just tell you, so in like other countries not here, and it’s starting to get popular in Europe is to pay through a wallet. So an example of actually paying with a wallet would be so every once in a while I see a product, oh, I want to buy that. And then I go to the website and then it turns out they’re on shop. Okay. So when you go to Shopify, if you’ve already paid once on Shopify, they have your credit card, have everything and they have all your info.
They just send you a text to your phone and you authenticate yourself. So that’s an example. That’s actually a wallet. Okay. I get it of a sort, it’s a wallet, but there were other co there was other companies there talking about how there’s all these wallet shop. All over the world. Yeah. Shop pay is essentially a wallet.
So they’re talking about all these other countries that they have, all these wallets, these countries have wallets. And then how you can make these payments all over the world. What are wallets? What are these wallets connected to your credit cards? In the wallet? Yeah. Yeah. Your bank account, your credit card, your debit card, whatever it is.
The local form of. And that country is connected into that wallet, but it was interesting. So there was a company there. We’re gonna try to see if we can partner with them, cuz it was a very interesting concept. So the concept was, is that due to Reno? Shut your phone. Kill the phone. I thought it was off.
Okay. So the concept of this wallet was you go to the checkout page on the. Okay. And then it says pay with whatever this is called. don’t want to give the name away cuz we don’t know if this is a live, they say, demos, you gotta make sure it’s a live product, but they, I like the idea.
So you have this checkout, like just like you can check out on some websites with Amazon. PayPal, essentially, those are all wallets right. Shop pay. So you can check out with that. So you can check out with this wallet and then if you have that wallet you register for it and you have it. So merchants could push their clients to say, Hey, get this wallet.
We need you to get this wallet to buy from us. Let’s say you’re a high. Merchant account and you want to control chargeback can make people force your clientele to register for the wallet, then have them check out using the wallet. So when they’re using the wallet, they’re already authenticated because they’re authenticating be useful for subscription services.
Yep. Subscri I like it for subscription services, high risk merchant services, all kinds of stuff. And then you can just, and then the custom, I just wanna figure out, like, how do they make money, cuz. I’ve gotta know. Before I promote something what’s going on. He ain’t doing nothing for free over here, buddy.
It’s not that who’s making money. How does it’s all that work for me. How does it project? How does it protect the merchant? Yeah. What do the card brands say about it from a protection standpoint on chargebacks? You gotta do your research, but I like the idea of it. So now you, you have the, so then it authenticates the person cuz they click it.
They’re already authenticated on their phone or their computer. Oh, Rocky, come on. It’s just a delivery. Come on. Somebody’s bringing bones for Rocky. And so it authenticates the user authenticates their credit card. Oh.
Rocky didn’t like that. So AU it authenticates then. Nice. Then there were some other guys there that had other authentication, but a lot of that had to do more with opening bank accounts. Cause there’s a lot of fraud, you have this increased amount of neobank. There was actually a vendor there and they supplied software to people who wanna set up Neo banks, which are these banks that have no physical location.
So they had solutions for fraud. Good job. By the way, I didn’t have to ask you to explain a neobank right. Good job. So they like when you ask me questions, I know to further explain, So they had fraud thing. Did you be able to explain it without me telling? So they had a fraud thing where you’re actually using the face as a biometric, which we are using in our 10 question thing.
So if somebody can’t be identified through like the AI that we’re grabbing, like their name, address, their federal tax ID, their social, that’s not enough. Then they have to send a driver’s license in and then they get a little thing and they have. You have to do like you do on apple, you have to do like a selfie and move your head around.
And then fill the circle. Yeah. So that’s a biometric, so that’s, it’s really cool. And then they biometrically identify you because they can take your picture, match it to the driver’s license and match it to the DMV. It’s cool. and this is, I have a lot of, but I think we’ve had this talk a lot.
Like I’ve talked, it’s a lot of big brother. Yes. Who is handling? That data, where does it go? And that’s another, who’s the owner of it, right? That’s a whole big, what can they do with it? So that was a whole nother discussion at the conference about how the government is going after all the payment companies and all the buy now pay later companies.
And. PayPal stripes, square Shopify, Amazon, da, down the road. What are they doing? They have enormous amount of people’s personal private information. PII. They called it. So they, what do they do with this information? And do they disclose that information to any third parties?
. Then I was talking to a guy from a car dealer association that we’re working with and he was explaining to me that now car dealers are required. Will you come in to buy a car you they’re required to disclose to you who they’re sharing your personal information with if they’re gonna send your information to tent banks, right?
They have to disclose that to you with a piece of paper where they can get. No kidding. Yeah. And there’s been some car dealerships that have been sued for millions of dollars for running people’s credit without one getting permission and two telling ’em how many banks they’re sending it to.
Cause that every time they send it to a bank that bank’s gonna ding, they’re getting their credit report dinged multiple times. Now that’s huge issue. That’s not good. So wallets, this whole like wallet, discussion was crazy, but apparently all over the world, they’re using wallets, except we’re not using it very much in the us.
When you say over the world, you mean. Age Asia. So Europe has their own wallet. Like the government of Europe has a wallet. I’m not sure who I’m researching now okay. Who runs? I’m just wonder who runs all these wallets, right? Are they, are there banks? Is this like run by the country?
There’s so many crypto wallets and it is just, that’s why I say I get, it’s a little overwhelming for. And they were also talking about, dude, there was a lot of discussion. There was a bunch of panels about crypto you bunch of panels. There was a legal panel on crypto. We’re gonna get into that.
I can go down the list. Mobile payments was talked about how to do mobile payments. Crypto, there was a legal panel, like what’s going on with crypto? How is the government gonna handle crypto? They were talking about how. The thing, the article we talked about before, where the government says block Bitcoin and Ethereum are gonna be commodities.
And what is that gonna do? How’s that gonna work? What’s gonna happen to a crypto. Is the government happy about it? Is the government doing that? Cause their theory was which I don’t disagree with this theory. So the theory they had was whose. One of the couple on these panels. They, we, this question was asked to about three or four panels.
Okay. So they’re they were they’re in, they’re guessing. Okay. Okay. They’re taking a guess. So they’re guessing that instead of the government, trying to figure out how to work with Bitcoin and Ethereum and all these alt coins, and they don’t know what to do about it. They’re taking the approach of we’re just gonna do something that’s gonna basically crush it to, to crush the value of it.
I Don. I don’t know. There’s a lot of people. The values going’s shooting billions of dollars into the crypto industry right now. Yeah. That’s the other thing that we’re talking about is would blockchain, could blockchain be used for other purposes? So they were talking about now you’re doing a bunch of legal documents.
Maybe instead of doing a using paper and all that and a DocuSign, you could just use a smart contract. Of course, smart contracts and blockchain could be utilized for a lot of things. That’s what they were talking about actually in office settings, like in, business setting.
That’s what they were talking about, business contracts and things like that, but they were talking, and they were talking about, I still don’t believe that the whole point of creating crypto. Yeah. To get away from the bank. Obviously, regardless of no matter what the government or the banks do, that’s not gonna stop developers or people from creating their own currency, bro. I understand that. So like at the end of the day, they could keep doing whatever they want to, but it’s not gonna stop us from creating a. To trade amongst peer to peer without having tons of money in, that’s it.
No, but they were just talking about how. Crushing the value of it they’re mean they’ve been trying to do that since it started. But now they’re actually been successful. Crip. Bitcoin was at 70,000 and then Ethereum was up as high as four or 5,000. Now Bitcoin’s around 20 and Ethereum’s down to around a grand.
So they basically sucked the life out of, by doing that. They sucked the life out. There’s a lot of different things that happen with that. There’s lot. There’s a lot of different things that were involved into why the crypto went down. Oh, of course not to mention the amount of like people who were selling people who burned.
People who just, you know, there’s a lot of, they were just talking about how NFTs went, got crushed. And then a lot of Al who did that though, who crushed the NFTs. Because the price of Ethereum went down. So that made the value of NFD go down for 70%, the whole NFT craze. Once people started understanding what really, what NFT was.
Yeah. That’s what slowed down NFT. That’s but I’m saying the price of Ethereum beyond course on top of that, that’s what I’m saying. And IFTS were gonna go, were slowing down before the crypto. Oh yeah. I just think it’s just crazy, you just, we just have to wait and see like what the government’s gonna do.
Europe is trying to enact stuff, Australia, China, they’re all trying to combat. They don’t like it. The banks don’t like it, the banks own the government. One of the Americas, one of the countries in the America. Yeah. So state or Venezuela, I think it was, it’s like. Guatemala or somebody I don’t, they’re they’re gonna use Bitcoin for everything.
They merged a whole, there is no local currency anymore. They’re using crypto, they’re using crypto or stable. When we say the government, we are talking about the United States of America, right? Yeah. The United States. And so like right then and there. The other, the us is gonna get so much pressure from these other countries.
Yeah. To be like, why aren’t you taking Bitcoin? We have $700 trillion in Bitcoin. We want to pay our debt in Bitcoin or so the us is gonna get on board. That’s what they’re talking about basically. They’re like what’s the time table on that? Is it gonna be five years, 10 years, 15 years from now, I’d say another 10.
So that’s what they were talking about. But, and then within them, 10 years, I still think that crypto is gonna create a bunch of millionaires. I think that I think that it’s gonna, I think people are gonna still be very valuable. M and Ms. Just signed a deal with the bathing ape yacht board, ape yacht club, to use the NFTs on the M andm bro. Yeah. So for everyone out there listening who still is oh, there’s no reason for NFTs or my business doesn’t need one. You. Outta your freaking mind, bro. Like the company Mars who creates all of our favorite delicious candies, just sign an exclusive deal with the creators of the board.
Eight yacht club. To use their NFTs on the products. And that means Mars isn’t even creating their own NFT. Yeah. They’re so behind or so, like they’re not creative enough. It doesn’t matter. Don’t hire somebody. But that’s my point is yo, you got other companies, major companies that are yeah.
Investing into an NFT that they didn’t even create to use on their products. So with that being. All the companies out there, you need to really hire your niece or your nephew or your grandson or someone that’s creative, who likes to draw anything, and tell ’em to put together a brand package for you for it’s pretty, one of the things I think people need to figure out with NFTs is this.
I think they need to figure out how someone can pay for an NFT with a credit. There’s ways. No there’s another part to it and keep the smart contract in place. That’s what, one of the, somebody, some developer out there that’s doing that’s, putting up a NFT marketplace needs to figure that out because what do you mean though?
I’m confused. Okay. So right now let’s say I go to. X Y Z website to buy an NFT and they accept credit cards. So they get the credit card. Now I take, I have the NFT. There’s no smart contract because there’s no Ethereum, there’s no Ethereum or coin attached to that. And then the person who created crypto, I thought crypto.com was working on that to where it’s not, you can buy, but they destroys the smart.
From what I’ve heard. I haven’t heard anybody I’ve asked. You should try it. No. I asked, you’re saying we should buy one. I did. I bought one and you don’t have a smart contract. No, there’s no advice. That was a long time ago when we bought that. I know, but we have to, I’m just telling you, I asked the question to a few of the companies.
I sent an email. I got it back. The answer was, we haven’t figured that out. You need to figure that out, but, and I think if smart contract goes, no, but I think that’s important, but I think if someone NFTs are very important, I think if somebody figures that out that they’ll have a big business, if they figure out how to take fi well, it would.
I think you and I are talking in two different ways. So I’m not talking about the NFT. It’s still a utility to sell to for it to be exclusively sold. Of course that’s a huge opportunity that people can, take advantage of. But as far as a company or a business, with the web three in the way that the internet is changing, you can utilize these NFTs to market your brand.
Exactly. Like you don’t have to. And if they can just have the design, the avid. Exactly. Everybody’s partnering that if you go look like on LinkedIn every day, there’s a new post. This company partnered with ready player. Me, this company partnered with ready player me, this company, that guy.
So everybody. So everybody’s going in there. What’s free. Doesn’t cost any money. I don’t know how they’re making money from it. I don’t know how that guy is either, but that guy is rich. Okay. But so all these companies are creating. Their own, we did it. We met our own ready player, three people. But they’re creating a, but they’re creating company avatars now with ready player.
Me, not just them. It’s the company’s avatar Adidas. So they’re creating their own avatar. Moway Hennessy Louis Ang next, watch out for the B2B vault nationwide payment systems. We made some NFTs. We needed the Rocky N we made the Rocky NFT. So that’s, he’s our mascot. Yeah. So here’s some other things real quick before you finish up.
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Please subscribe there. Sign up to the newsletter. We shoot out special information every once a month describing the products that we offer. If you’re interested into getting a CA on a call with Alan or. Text the word book B O K 2 9 5 4 8 2 7 9 8 1 8. We’ll get back to you soon as possible.
Head over to be to bal.info. Catch up on past episodes. There’s forms there for you to get in. Contact us. If you don’t wanna message us, you can shoot us email sponsoring inquiry inquiries you could do there. You’re looking for account. There is a beautiful button on top that says apply. Now you click that.
It sends you to the link. 10 minutes later, you’re set up and running, making collected money. And when you’re filling out that form, There is a one time fee and that is to avoid all the scammers and the fake people out there that is trying to screw us over. . So on top of that it’s our fraud prevention tool.
Yes. Fraud prevention tools. You gotta pay some money to make, you gotta pay money to make money. It’s the oldest saying in the book and Alan just got back from the MPC. So super cool stuff going on here. So let me just go over quick, cuz I don’t want to make the podcast too long. No, but I think one last thing before myself, I have this really cool thing is called the best self journal.
Yeah. And it’s a 13 week. It, it’s it. So it’s a 13 week structure. So within 13 weeks you can smash your goals. And so I have a few things that I’m, working on and one of those goals is to write my. Okay. And so I’m gonna utilize this right here, the best self journal. Okay. Shout out to Damon, John, the guy from FUBU.
That’s his name, right? Yeah. He was on shark tank too. Yeah. He was on shark tank. The owner of, I think he’s still on shark tank. Yeah. He’s still on shark tank, but yeah, I seen a video of his over the weekend. He said that he, I don’t know if he really uses it. It could have been just maybe he’s a sponsor.
Yeah. He probably was sponsored, but I’ve been journaling, like I oh, awesome. And so then. I didn’t like the format, like it’s the whole page and me being a writer, it’s I feel obligated to write the whole page. And that’s not cool. Like you don’t, that could be hard.
So I grabbed this over the weekend and I feel like I’m gonna put it to the test. So within these next 13 weeks, I’ll check back and then I’ll give you guys updates into where I am with writing my book. Sorry. So one of the other thing, like you were talking about NFT, The utility. So using it, that’s cool.
Part of NT membership and different things. I don’t think anyone understands that the, because I think the general perception of NFT. Yeah. It’s like its art, that’s it. It’s art or it’s some picture or something, but we’ll talk more about NFTs, we can talk for hours on NFT NFTs.
we could talk for hours, but they also talked about the metaverse what’s going on with the metaverse. How are people going to use the metaverse and web three and how long that’s gonna take before that actually becomes popular. So what are they saying? No, they just think it’s gonna be, it’s gonna be later, not sooner.
There’s they think that things like games. Are gonna be more popular. There’s already anything else. Yeah. Cuz you can already play games right now. But I’m just saying, they think that the gaming industry is gonna be huge is gonna be, that’s gonna be the first big hit with the metaverse and web three.
What about learning? I thought, I think, they learning and education is gonna be huge with web three. They just think that the first thing is gonna be like the gaming aspect. And maybe concert. Like you might see concerts. I don’t know, but I’m just saying, like I’m not entertainment. I think it’s cool with the holograms of.
Artists that have passed away. Like they had the Tupac hologram, they had the old, dirty bastard. That’s, that’s cool. The other thing that I saw at the show, which this was interesting, cuz I always like when I see like a payment company and then they takes a product that they had, that they weren’t sure what the hell to do with, and then they’d find another use for that technology.
Okay. So this one company will find out more information about how much this costs, but this thing was really cool. So as a way where you used encryption keys, which we use encryption keys and payments to put in the machine. So the machine is encrypted for that merchant, with their merchant number for their transactions.
And it’s tied back to the acquiring bank, which is the bank that funds the money. So they use these encryption keys in there and obviously your EMV card, the chip has encryptions in it. So they’re using encryptions. So they took that a step further and they developed an encryption email product.
So I could send Justin an email say, Hey, Justin, I need your six months bank statements, six months merchant statements, cuz maybe Justin’s high risk. I need your two years tax returns. Your P and L your balance sheet and all that. And Justin’s I don’t want to email that to you. Like, how can I do that?
The old way is that’s funny password. I just sent that to someone yesterday, password doing that yeah. Password protect all the files, and then you gotta send passwords. To the person and all this stuff and how secure, so this was really cool. So it encrypt the person could upload all the files and any email address or is no, you gotta use your service, send you an email.
You have to use this service. I sent you an email. I have a device on my desk and I swiped my card and now it. Creates this encrypted message and I can email it to you. And then you could add the files to that, send it back to me. And I’m the only one that can open it up because I have the encryption key.
Then let’s say I sent, I like that. Then let’s say, I want to send you the file. It’s a little spooky, cuz I, my I’m a little twisted. So I think of things a little. No, but you can’t on you. Can’t the person on the other end, they. You have it. Yeah, but I have it, but I sent you the encrypted file. So you added your stuff to it now I’m the me and you are the only two people that can see it.
Yeah. Then let’s say I wanna send it to the bank cuz they need to look at it so I can send it to them. And then I send them the, a key. And then they can they can use the key to open up the file. All I’m saying is it just sounds like it’s opening the door for a lot of I don’t know. Apparently you can’t break this key.
I gotta find out I’m saying like the way you could use it. The way you could use it is can I send an encrypted, like. Video and imagery. Yeah, you could, whatever, you can attach 30 megabytes. All right. So say whatever 30 megabytes, whatever. No, 30 KDS, whatever it is. What’s the biggest when you send the email attachment to terabyte?
No, like when you send email, it’s usually the biggest file is 20 or 30 depending. Yeah. Like I think like my, with our email, I think we can receive only 20. No, I’m not saying is to like, say, Hey. I got this picture. Of whatever we don’t wanna see that picture. But I send you an email.
Yeah. But I’m the on, if you don’t send me the encryption key, I can’t open it. That’s my, you send me the key then I me some money and then I could send you the email. And then you could view it. It’s pretty cool. So I like that might be something we really would be really big for the stripper industry.
No, I think it would be really good for only fans for sending emails. Only fans. I don’t know about that. I think it has, I don’t know if you could send a link to a payment with the email so the person could pay and then see, maybe trigger open the encryption key. Hey, only fans call us. Okay. So that was pretty cool.
So we’ll, it sat the pricing. It’s they’re propo. They sold me the proposed pricing. It’s not in black and white yet. The proposed pricing. No, it’s not. Wasn’t what they were proposing. Wasn’t expensive at all. Is it per email or monthly? It was actually like a hundred bucks a month. Is what they’re proposing.
It’s not bad for our whole company. Oh yeah. They should they need to, they should probably think of it, like in a tier, maybe like small, medium. Hundred. I asked him, how many emails can you send? That said unlimited for a hundred bucks. I was like that’s but that’s my point. Some people might not, that’s a little expensive for a small business.
No, but I’m saying like, if you were dealing with sensitive documents, mortgage card, then it’s worth it worth and all that for sure. Bucks is nothing true. So that was pretty cool. Then there was a lot, few companies there that I didn’t even know this existed payments out for like employees and gig workers.
Now there was what. Okay. So let’s say you at a restaurant and now you want to give your employees money daily. There’s these companies that had apps where you could actually send the money to your employees. At the end of the shift, we talked about that in the podcast before. We talked about for tipping.
It was the way that one company was settling. The tipping. You said you looked into yeah, we were looking into how that link, how can that be linked it out? How could it be linked up to payroll and stuff like that, but that was discussed a lot of stuff about paying out money faster and creating more like daily pay is nuts.
Yeah, daily pay for gig workers. And they were like starting to get into the restaurant. When you say gig workers, Amazon drivers, you now Uber has a new thing, Uber freight and all this to get those drivers paid faster. Like Uber already has that daily payout, but the tip part, they get paid for the rides, but they don’t get the tip.
All right away. Apparently they have to wait for the tips or something. I don’t know how it all works. I heard Uber is just a disaster, man. I took an Uber in Atlanta. Oh man. I heard that. So based on the time. Okay. So I took an Uber and then my brother took an Uber basically to the same, almost the same area.
I paid around 50 bucks. My brother paid over 80 and he’s oh, it goes by the time of the day. Yeah. So my brother was like, when you’re going to the airport, he goes, leave an hour earlier than you thought you were gonna leave. He goes, otherwise your airport ride could cost you like over a hundred bucks easily in Atlanta because of the traffic.
It’s like that all over though. It’s got it. Doesn’t really the Uber. And then they added on that one morning. I caught an Uber here. Yeah. It cost me $35. No. And then listen to this, they add on a fuel surcharge taxes. Yeah. Airport fees. This, that was crazy. So that, but understand that. So there was a lot of talk about that tax.
I asked a couple of the companies about taxes. So I have to do a little research, cuz that’s something we can offer to restaurants, this kind of thing. So they can get their workers paid every day, keep their workers happy. I think it’s a great idea. I was gonna ask you about the taxes. Is it they got check out.
No, cause they were no. One company said they didn’t, weren’t worried about it. The other company said they haven’t figured out. Cause I was weren’t worried about it were leaving the employee up to the employee. That’s what I said. Figure I go, that’s what I said. I. The employee’s gonna get a check.
That’s basically gonna be a minus check at the end of the week or the end of two weeks. They’re gonna have a big minus cuz they’re gonna owe taxes. And he is then the waiter’s gonna file their taxes at the end of the year and they’re gonna have to pay a bunch of taxes. And I was like, That’s not good because they might not have the money save for the drugs.
That is that really like waiters don’t have sitting around yeah, I gotta pay $1,400 to no, but I’m just saying I didn’t really like that solution. Another guy said that he could link his to a payroll company, so we’ll see, we’re gonna reach out to them and get more information. That’s what I always do.
I find. These tech companies you wanted to mention these guys. And the other thing was is that no, that’s in another podcast. Oh, we’re gonna talk about doing tomorrow. Yeah. All right. So the other. Company said they could integrate with a payroll company and take care of the taxes. So we’re gonna talk to the people and talk, open banking was discussed.
Neobank was discussed real time payments, which we talked about. There was a guy there who was telling us about a sustainable project he had, and he was trying to raise, get a merchant account for this sustainable project. And the guy is raising money so that he can basically, he takes bugs and put.
If he, people were gonna buy gift cards to donate to his thing or make donations on his website, and then he raises money, enough money to get, some kind of bug I gotta find out more information and then the bug, they take the bugs out to a land, they partner with a particular landfill and they take these bugs and put ’em in the landfill.
And then based on what’s in the landfill, the bugs will like. Eat up, what’s in the landfill. I’ve heard of this, a huge landfill, like over by Pompano, not far from the office. And sometimes it’s really smelly, but my daughter had to do a report on it, I think in high school or middle school. And it’s got layers inside of it.
And then somehow the weight from the top pushes down. And then at some point in time they release the gas out. Yep. That smells really bad. Yep. And then they’re able to pile more stuff into. Garbage mountain over there. Yeah. Now I’ve heard about these bugs. There’s there’s a worm that they actually.
or I don’t know if it was a worm. This guy was telling us about worm. I think a fungus that actually eats plastic. That’s what they do. They find out what’s in the landfill and then they put these different bugs in there and they can reduce the size of the landfill. I think it’s a great project.
I don’t know the guy’s trying, trying a great idea to me if it’s not gonna be he’s just trying to find methane gas. You’d think that we would’ve found a way to use this. They were from Orlando. So we’re gonna try to figure out how to work with them and help them to get awareness for their project and see how it can be marketed and how they can help, get merchant account or gift cards to raise money for this.
There’s also talk. Pay fax and ISVs, which we just did a whole podcast about. What’s an ISV independent software vendor. I don’t know why I always ask you. So it’s just a vendor that makes software like, oh, this is a software for dentist. And then the problem they have now is each person has to go sign up for a merchant account.
So they’re going towards the trend of trying to partner with people who have a boarding system, like we’re in soft launch for where you answer 10 questions and get your account, and then it’s integrated to that product automatically. So there’s a lot of talk about companies more and more companies trying to do that.
Merchant people signing, what are the, they were talking about how people don’t sign up for a merchant account anymore and go to a platform like PayPal Stripe, which we’re trying to develop our own, and we’re gonna get it launched, soon. Get it, it’s already launched, but we’re gonna get it into real launch mode very soon.
And then that’s gonna, and how that’s be, how that’s getting more popular and more popular. And that’s also with like banks, the big banks are worried because people are going to these other banks. Where they could get signed up online, for the bank account. But those banks are having an issue in how they authenticate the people that are getting the bank account was the Greenwood bank at the, there was a bunch of different, there was only a few banks there.
There was one. So that’s owned by some. And there was a lot of, there was a few banks, but there shout killer Mike. But there was a company there who worked with those banks and there was another, I was telling you then there was a couple of biometric companies. Oh that worked with those banks to get better authentication so that they’re not open up scam bank accounts.
So there was a lot of you, listened to a lot of different perspectives from banks, payment companies, processors, fintechs. Another big thing that was talked about a lot was how these FinTech. In general, any type of FinTech company. So all of these, I saw a ton, I talked to probably, I don’t know, a hundred FinTech companies, was at a table and they all came over talking to them, meeting people after their panel and this and that. You, I got to listen to different perspective, what’s the perspective from the bank. A big bank, a neobank perspectives from the fraud companies, perspectives from the companies who are creating these neobank perspective from the credit card processors and the different people there like about the ecosystem.
One of the things everybody talks about is how, we talk about this a bunch of times and we’ve heard Congress say the same thing, that. innovation is outpacing regulation, and it’s just, , it’s not gonna stop. The FinTech companies are gonna keep going. Boom boom. But one of the things they talked about on the legal panel is now the government saying, Hey if you’re sending money around.
You need to make sure you’re compliant, so they’re going, they’re watching these companies and going after people that are not compliant, like making sure you’re doing KYC, KYB, know your business, know your. Know who know the customer, your AML anti-money laundering policies and all of those.
So those, when we talk to these different fintechs, we ask ’em, are you registered with finon you’re sending money out. Are compliant with AML, you have your licenses. And this, we don’t wanna work with unlicensed companies. And the same thing with crypto is going on with that too. These companies have to be, you have to have a li you have to be licensed AML, SOC two compliant and all that.
And then the last thing that was talked about a ton during the whole conference, besides frictionless, frictionless, frictionless was partnerships. How partnerships are important, how companies. Can make a good partnership and a bad partnership. What makes it, didn’t really, you have to make sure everything’s a good fit.
Oh, this ISV is a good fit for our pay fact and they, they can handle the customer service portion of their software and we can handle it, them sucking in, a thousand people at one time and getting them merchant accounts. Can, but can they handle. getting all those people up and running so you gotta make sure that it’s like a good marriage of everything that you have going on when you do a partnership.
And the other thing that was discussed quite a bit was the omnichannel omnichannel. And I discussed what the omnichannel, sir, the ability for business. Big businesses are doing it. Great. It’s the ability. We are creating omnichannel for the SMB, small to medium size business so they can accomplish the same thing.
Bus big businesses are accomplishing, which is the, have the ability to have, they have access to a dashboard where they can send an invoice. They can collect all their customer data. They can CRM mail, receipt, it’s a CRM. They can see all their reporting. They can link it to a website and see all the sales coming from a terminal, a virtual terminal set up recurring billing subscription.
Yeah, the list goes, connect, click books so that you could do your accounting. Yeah, you could link in, could set up, you could put your catalog in, you could set up resellers underneath you to make. So that you’re making money, man. This thing that we’re pushing is really, yeah. We’re looking to amazing.
Yeah. We’re looking to partner with community banks on it so that they can give this to their customers. Cuz the people I talk to that we’re from these small community banks, they’re just loo they’re like, oh, all our customers don’t get a merchant account. Most of them are PayPal, Stripe and square. This is the perfect product to partner on because all the bank makes money too.
No, they’re giving the service. They’re giving the they’re giving their client what they want. Yep. Frictionless, ah, sign up for a merchant account. I don’t like it. Huh. But I don’t like it. You don’t like the word it’s a, too long. Frictionless just sounds, but it basically sounds dirty. No.
It’s the same thing we always gonna find. What do businesses. What do consumers want businesses want to get set up with a merchant account as quick as possible? We’re accomplishing that. What do consumers want? Ways to make quick payments, wallets, tap, and go EMV. Get a text, email receipt, get a text or an email with a link to make a payment.
That’s what consumers want. That’s consumer rate. Article by the way what consumers want? What then? The other thing, what else does consumers want? Get their, get whatever they’re ordering delivered, whether it’s food delivered a product delivered, so Walmart and know Amazon is doing it.
Your store needs to do it, order from the website. When they order from the website. Oh, is there an option for a pickup in-store pickup curbside, local delivery maybe is an option for some companies. I know a lot of local like companies that do delivery. It depends what it is if it’s worth it.
So the that’s what’s important, businesses, businesses need to deliver what the consumer wants and with omnichannel, you can do all that. And then the other thing is payments with a purpose. Frictionless smart, flexible sec secure what’s payments with the purpose. The, that the payment option that they choose has the purpose for the business.
It’s frictionless. We’re doing that quick sign up smart. It has tons of features in, in my mind, when you said pick payments with the pur purpose means that you’re donating to a. It could be that too. Maybe you’re donating to a cause maybe, but I’m just saying that the payment process, that there’s a purpose to the product.
Got it. The product has a purpose, right? It’s frictionless, easy sign up smart, tons of features, loyalty programs, all kinds of stuff. It’s flexible because you have all these options that you can do. It’s secure. PCI compliant. Boom, bang. That’s it. That’s the podcast for today.
It’s very, it’s a kinda long one, but you talked about had a long podcast in a long time. Again, big shout out to learned a lot at the MPC digital commerce event. We’ll give another shoutout again. We’ll tag Marla, Erman and Shiloh, and Dale. They all did a great job at the conference. Enjoyed meeting.
Everybody met tons of people. Guys wanna reach out to me. We’re gonna be tech we’ll get this up and everybody enjoy your day. Maybe you listen to this. If something resonated with you and you want to talk about it textbook to 9 5 4 8 2 7 9 8 1 8 or go to the website, B2B vault.info and fill out a form and we can set up an appointment and that’s it for today.
B2B vault, Carpe, DM, peace out, everybody have a great day.