Hey, what’s up, everybody? It’s Justin Live from V2 B Vault, the Payment Technology Podcast sponsored by Nationwide Payment Systems. Hosted by this guy Allen Kopelman, we’ll be providing you with educational information about small business, FinTech, payment processing, and the technology businesses are using in the world today.
And in today’s podcast, WTF is a merchant service, we want to figure it out. What is the blank, is it merchant accounts? I, on some, when you really think about it, there’s not been a lot of education when it comes to businesses. And the amount of different services that you can get when it’s as far as the merchant account.
And then you know that we’re limited to the idea of PayPal or Stripe or Square or whatever other option that you decide to use. And, I think we’re going to really be able to explain what a merchant account is and when you need one, why you should have one. The benefits of it, and all the other stuff that comes with having a merchant account.
Honestly, like I’ve said a bunch of times, I wish I would’ve been
educated on, even having a partnership or having the mentorship of someone like Allen who’s been in the business and can explain these things to you. Like when I was building websites, I’m still building websites, for the business, I always use PayPal, only PayPal.
Unless it was for certain clients, they would do bank transfers. That’s just the way they wanted to do it. I was set up, so I had a business bank account, and I was paying all the fees and doing all this extra stuff. And then, even when you get paid from PayPal they take a fee, they take a fee when you spend the money like it’s just fee after fee.
When you send money with PayPal, there’s a fee. Unless it was for friends and family, but I don’t know how it works. I totally discontinued and canceled whatever deactivated my business PayPal account. You know PayPal they’ve made their pricing worse than a merchant account. I can imagine.
I went on their pricing page, I couldn’t believe it. I was like, how did somebody figure out what they’re paying? So, then when you get into the other options that you have. Especially for me who likes selling websites to businesses that need to get paid. And when we typically do that, we say this a thousand times, we build a website.
What’s the first person, what’s the first company? We use PayPal. Because why? It’s simple. Fast integrates with Woo Commerce and WordPress. Boom boom, free! You don’t have to, there’s nothing involved in it. You don’t have to pay, there’s nothing to pay for PayPal. There are extensions you must pay for if you need them, but Woo Commerce out of the box and you can activate PayPal for free.
So that’s the incentive of what brings people to use PayPal. But if I would’ve known, I could have linked up with someone like Allen. He could have said, Yō, you need to, you should have your merchant account and then you could sell these services to your actual clients, right?
Because they need to get paid. And then not only are you getting paid from the website but you’re also getting paid on the back end and you get that residual income. What else is better than getting money when you sleep, man? Exactly! So, I wanted to look up a simple explanation as to what the blank is a merchant account, right?
So, I looked around, because I mean I wanted to simplify it so it would be simple, an easy concept to understand. So, this is what I came up with. Merchant services are a bridge between, your customer’s credit card and debit card. So, it’s creating a bridge between that credit card and debit card, the customer, the merchant service, and whoever you are using, right?
Make sure that the cardholder gets billed right and that you get cash in your bank account. So that’s the simple explanation. Explanation of a merchant. It doesn’t sound simple. But I’m saying in the simplest terms, that’s what’s happened. Merchant services are a bridge between a customer and they’re and your bank account, right?
Yeah, that’s it. That’s the best, that’s the simplest way to explain it because that’s basically what’s happening. A customer is either coming into your business or physically putting their chip into the machine, and then the machine is calling out, getting approval. Making sure that the customer gets the bill.
And then at the end of the day, your batch, you’re getting money into your bank account. All right, so why should someone get a merchant account as opposed to just using PayPal? There are advantages and disadvantages to each one of those services. If you’re really small, when Square and PayPal and Stripe really started out, they were really going after like the micro businesses. Meaning? Like a guy mowing lawns and has two or three people a week that need to pay him but don’t give him cash.
And as time has gone by, they’re going after, bigger and bigger businesses. And merchant services keep getting more complicated, and that’s why we launched a new website. Where we’re giving people simple pricing. So, with that. “nationwidepaymentsystems.com”. Right!
So, if you’re having the if you have, there’s all different, I started in this business in 1998, started this company in 2001, and there are all different types of pricing plans. We deal with all different types of merchants, startup companies, companies where it’s card present, a retailer, a store, a restaurant, a cafe, sandwich shops, a food trucks, so what I’ve grown to see is that over the last few years, Square, introduce their point of sale system. You now see Stripe is going to come out with a physical terminal, and PayPal is also introducing a physical terminal, right? So, when we had the opportunity, that’s why we created the Nationwide Payment Systems website, which gives you simplified pricing.
When you have a merchant account, it’s not always so simple, right? The pricing is not so simple. So, people, but people have tended now in the last, I would say in the last a few years, people started to opt for more simplified type pricing. You don’t always get that from every merchant service company.
But you weren’t getting simplified pricing from PayPal, Square or Stripe, because it’s always different. Then the one thing is you know, as they’ve grown, and they’ve added on more services that those services cost money! So now there are additional fees and people don’t realize what those fees are.
Or somebody goes and gets a Clover and then they don’t realize, all of a sudden, they look at their bill and they’re like, man, I’m paying like $200 a month for all these Clover fees! So, we tried to look at oh, what kind of simplified type things can people have? Like things that people were dealing with, I deal with merchants all the time.
Business owners of all sizes could be somebody in a startup mode. Or this morning I was helping one of our clients that makes millions of dollars a month, and they wanted to get some better pricing from the bank, and we talked to the bank, and we said, oh, how can they get better pricing? They said we need a consistent amount of volume.
This is how much volume we would need, and we’ll give them a better price and we’ll give them a bundle, like one bundled rate. Nice. Because one, we have a history with the client. Right! So, we have a history of processing their transactions for a couple of years and they’re a good client, they wanted to get a better price, but they need to be more consistent with the volume because they have several merchant accounts. After all, they’re doing millions of dollars a month, and a lot of times they don’t.
When you have a business where there’s a lot of volatility, that business has volatility in it. Of a lot of refunds and things like that, chargebacks going on. You don’t want to just have one company. So, you need to have two or three accounts, but, whatever we’re, we have good relationships with banks, so we’re able to work with customers that are doing large volumes and negotiate with the bank and say, hey, Justin’s insurance company.
Wants to increase the amount of business and they want a little better pricing and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And then I got that done. Nice. Get it done for them, cause merchants are dealing with all kinds of things like tiered pricing, like one rate pricing, and or you look at a bill and you see all these interchange fees, processor fees, transaction fees, monthly fees, like statement fees, regulatory fees, gateway fees, PCI fees, non-compliant PCI fees, annual fees, 1099 K fee statement fees, on and on.
Now, in some businesses. When you’re saying these fees, where are they coming from? No, all these fees come from the credit card processor and Visa and MasterCard, and American Express. Okay! So, you have all these fees. So, you can have simplified pricing, but it’s hard.
Let’s say you’re a small business like Justin. Let’s say you had a sandwich job. Right! It’s hard for the credit card processor to say, to give you like very aggressive, fees because there are more fees. But now we start to see this, what we call the Strip, Square, and PayPal, right? Those companies are called PayFac.
So, in a PayFac situation, it’s different than a merchant account. What’s the difference between PayFac and a merchant account? So, with a payback, Stripe is actually, or Square or PayPal is the actual merchant, and I’ve talked to merchants that have those services, and then they’ll say I had a chargeback for $2,000.
And then, the company doesn’t help me. Because they don’t care because they’re not the merchant. You just have a sub-merchant account! Yeah, they do not care. So, that’s depending on what kind of business you have, sometimes it works for people. Because if you don’t have a business where you might be dealing with a lot of chargebacks, PayPal can work.
Yeah, I mean for like invoicing and stuff, PayPal’s great. But I’m just saying that sometimes like. For an e-commerce store, probably not so much because you know they’re taking a percentage off every sale. You’re going to pay a percentage to somebody. Everybody, every company you use, you’re paying!
I’m saying PayPal’s taking a piece, a bigger piece than most. Most! You have to decide okay, how, sometimes it’s you start in one place and then you go somewhere, then you start to move things. You say, oh, this isn’t working for my business.
But you also did a podcast about what happens when you get shut off by PayPal Square or Strike. Which happens frequently, right? More often than you realize, and then the business owners left holding the bag like, oh, what do I do? What did I do wrong? They don’t really have customer service!
So, what we did is we created a service similar to theirs, but with the added benefit of you getting customer service! So, there is live chat 24 hours a day. It’s a 24-hour phone number plus local support through our office too. So, there’s a lot of support, which you don’t get from those companies in general.
They just, it’s all emailing back and forth, emailing. You might get a phone call if you’re busy enough with business. I got one time; I was dealing with a discrepancy with PayPal. They literally sent me an email saying to contact the seller. That’s all we can tell you to do. Yeah, they don’t want to get involved.
They’re not really part. “PayPal is trash.” That’s the one disadvantage you have. If someone, if you get a lot of chargebacks, they’re not going to help you and they’ll probably shut your account down! Whereas, if someone comes and works with us like we’re working with another merchant, their business grows very large, e-commerce they were on Square, Square, saw that they got quite a bit of chargeback.
Square just told them, sorry adios, and cut them off! Shut down their whole account, and they got on the match list. Now, normally if we saw a pattern, or something happening to a client, we’re going to contact the client. We’re going to go, hey, what are you doing as far as why are all these chargebacks coming in?
What happened? What did you do? How can we fix this? And then we would employ different methods to fix the problem! But in general, I think people have to weigh “oh when you’re getting a merchant account, you have to fill out a bunch of paperwork”.
You have to ask; they’re going to request a lot of documents from you. If you do simplify, go to one of the companies. When you come to nationwidepaymentsystems.com you answer 10 questions, Justin did it, set up his account for his business and it was approved in less than five minutes. So, we know people like that style of doing business because between PayPal, Square, Stripe, and other companies, it’s probably about a hundred million merchants using that service.
Oh yes. Square alone has almost 64 million, I read clients – customers. I mean “just with freelancers in general”, they must account for the majority of that. Freelancers are big with PayPal, so that’s what I’m saying! So, it just depends. No one, no freelancers are using their bank to invoice because it just costs too much. So, yes! And then the other thing a lot of.
And if you are, you should stop and go to nationwidepaymentsystems.com. and there’s a form for you to fill out, apply and find out your solution right there! Right.
And then last year there were new IRS rules that came down because they saw during the pandemic that a lot of businesses started using Zelle, Cash App, Venmo, PayPal, friends, and family.
And other types of P-to-P payment apps, “person-to-person apps”. And then the government came down and said, oh whoa! Here’s just all this increased volume going on and said to those companies, hey, if there are people using this in a business setting, we need for you to give those people a 1099 K, which is the same thing you get from any other payment processor and send them a bill, and then they got to pay taxes. And that went into effect in 2022? “In 2021, it went into effect.” And people started to get. Next year, and this year, you’ll start getting 1099 K. Right, but some people got it last year because they started transferring people off a personal account to a business account.
They automatically did that to a bunch of people. That’s what I’m saying, so in 2021, some people got that was processing a lot of transactions and got caught with their pants down because suddenly they got 1099’s in the mail. And they’re like. Did you get caught with your pants down, or did you just like finally get caught?
They got caught, yeah! They get caught, that’s what I’m saying. They had their pants fall down. Cause, and now this year people are going to get that, get it again, more people because they’re going to get a big surprise. Well, businesses that are running like that need to stop. First, you’re setting yourself up for failure. “You’re commingling funds”!
Not just that, but you’re running your company like a criminal organization. So, who do you think you are? It’s, the thing is people saw that as a substitute for cash. And, there’s cash. That’s my point. I’m just, that’s what I’m saying.
And it wasn’t a substitute for cash. And, those companies also, they’re in hot water. Zelle is in hot water with the government! Cash App, Venmo, and PayPal. In my mind, the reason why the government did this is just, this is my opinion. Yeah! They did it because of the drug dealers.
Because I don’t know who the hell is using Cash App to send, for business. I would never ask you to Cash App 12 hundred dollars. I went into some, I went into a barber shop, and they had they were taking Cash App and Venmo. I’m like you’re not. I asked the guy to go, you should go look at the fees that you’re paying for that now because a merchant account’s going to be much cheaper.
You should just get a machine from me. And be done with it and stop playing around with all this. Because not only that, when you’re, when you do. “Then he says, my customers, don’t want that. How do they know that you even accept anything else besides Cash App or Venmo?” You don’t advertise it.
Yeah. But the bad thing is you also get a deposit for each transaction to your bank account. And then if you go over, most banks only let you do a hundred transactions. After that, they start charging you. So, people don’t check what they’re paying for is my point. Yeah, I don’t, a lot of barbers, I know they don’t, they’re not like every time you get $10, it doesn’t auto, it just stays in the Cash App.
Yeah, but it depends on how you set it up. Some of them, it goes right through. Right. Like Zelle goes right in. I won’t wait until the end of the day. No, it’s like Zelle goes once, one and done!
Yeah. There’s no batch. The same thing with Venmo, one and done! But Zelle was made to be peer-to-peer. That wasn’t made to be like a business platform. That’s what I’m trying to say is that they were using all these peer-to-peer platforms and there, and you know now everybody’s getting taxed.
So, it’s another reason. We all got to pay our taxes! But I’m saying that’s another reason why people should just get a merchant account! And not deal with these complicated services because this way you get all your money in one deposit and you’re not getting deposits from all these different places. And you could still accept all of those like you don’t have to. Someone who’s got a Cash App has a credit or debit card. If you have a merchant account, then they have a Cash app card, and they have a PayPal card. They have a, I’m sure Stripe has a card, right? Not sure Stripe has a card. I think they’re coming out with one. Square up has a card. Does Square have a card? I’m not sure they might have a virtual card. What about Venmo? Venmo, that’s part of PayPal!
Oh, that’s right. So, PayPal does have a credit card. So out of the two, the Cash app is Square half debit cards. If so want to pay you with PayPal or Cash App and you set up your merchant account, you can still accept those funds in Apple Pay, Google Pay, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
Exactly. People have those cards in their wallets, electronic cards. In their wallet and they just make payments with them. The same thing, like I had a merchant tell me recently, they’re like, oh, we were taking Apple Pay just directly through Apple Pay. That’s guess what? That’s some had some guys defraud them for about 10,000 bucks.
So, they come to me, oh, can you help us? Like, how can I help you? How am I going to help you with that? Like it’s not a chargeback, like through the normal credit card, if you would’ve had the guy come in and Apple pay on your machine instead of Apple Pay to Apple Pay, you would’ve been able to fight the chargebacks, but now you can’t fight it.
Now you got to go take this guy to court. Small claims? 10 grand there are no small claims. That’s five grand for a small claims court. Oh, that’s right. In Florida, that’s criminal. It’s criminal. The guy defrauded them, it was a buy here, pay here, car place. Like where you come in and make your payment. So why can’t they just go take their car?
They’re going to, they’re trying to get the car, they can’t find it! I don’t know. And the guy charged back all the Apple pay transactions. Ha hah ha! So, they stopped, I’m just saying, businesses don’t realize the dangers, like the same thing. The advantage like you, if I Cash App, you some money and I say, hey Justin, you sent me this book. And the book’s all ripped, right? And I paid you a hundred bucks for this book, right? And then I go, I want my money back. Guess what? I can’t do anything, there’s nothing, so the consumers. You can’t, you have a certain amount of time.
Yeah, it’s a little difficult. Like someone Venmo you money sells you money, it’s your account. But I’m just saying. You could request it back. Right! But there’s no, you have no chargeback rights as you do with a credit card. So, from a consumer standpoint, consumers should not want to pay with these methods because they lose all the consumer protections that they have with credit cards. And the business shouldn’t want to do that because then let’s just say, “Justin didn’t give me my money back.”
Now I’m going to go on BBB or Yelp or whatever, I’m going to write a bad review on Google. Say, oh, don’t use Justin for books because he sends crappy books. He sent me books and they were all damaged. Smell like cat pee. Or whatever the item was, and then you don’t have any, you have no rights as the cardholder, that’s why we always weigh it out. I was way out of service. What’s the good, what’s bad, like Cash App is trying to get into businesses now and say, oh, we want to launch like a business side to Cash App. But at the same time, you have to remember when the consumer has to remember, they can’t just get their money back.
And the business owner must understand that they’re going to pay, there could be also negative consequences of accepting those payments because there’s talk of them wanting to integrate into the Visa/MasterCard system.. No kidding! Yeah. Interesting! There are talks about it.
PayPal years ago, wanted to have people accept PayPal. They couldn’t do it. They put it in Home Depot, they put it in a bunch of large businesses, and they got no traction whatsoever. So, then they jumped in, they said, oh we’ll brand our PayPal card with Discover which had a partnership with MasterCard!
So then now when you see the PayPal card has MasterCard on it, right? Yeah. Or Discover has one or the other, or both. It’s not Visa? No, I don’t think so, I think it’s MasterCard. I don’t remember. And there could be, banks like a lot of times like I have US banks, so you could get a MasterCard, a Visa, an American Express, or a Discover from them.
I just got whichever one’s going to give me the most money back. Or the most air miles or whatever I want it for. So, I’m just saying different issuing. But the PayPal direct card, I believe is a MasterCard or a Discover card. Yeah, they had a jump into the fray because how else were they going to increase their business?
The same thing with American Express, American Express used to be a separate application, a separate deposit, and all that. Now American Express is getting more usage from their card members because it’s on the Visa/MasterCard network now! Got it. And that’s the advantage of being in the Visa MasterCard network!
And I think over the next couple of years we’re going to see. Maybe some of these payment forms come into the Visa/MasterCard world because of customers, look what Zelle is going through now. Zelle and Cash App and I believe Venmo, all three of them. And PayPal with the pay, the money transfer, the, yeah.
They’re all on the hot seat with the government. Now they’re being called for the finance committee, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, because they’re being, because they did so much volume during the pandemic, they’re being accused of all this, fraud. Scams happening, money missing, people not getting paid, and people getting money taken out of their accounts, that they didn’t authorize because somebody hacked them. Through what we talked about with email hacks and getting texts to log into your Zelle and then some scammers getting your credentials and then transferring money out! Right, “it’s crazy.”
So those companies are on the hot seat and other companies are coming out with stuff called Pay-by-Bank, and we’ve talked about that before. Is that going to be an option? Another option merchants have gone for in the last few years are cash discounts, surcharging, dual pricing, or whatever you want to call it.
Whereas, me as the business owner, let’s say I want to pass a 4% fee to all my customers. So, people come in the bill’s 40 bucks, and then they’ll see on the screen, oh, it’s $40 if you pay cash, or it’s $41.60 if you pay with a card. And a lot of businesses have opted for that. Simply because for two reasons.
One, it’s simple, right? So it’s simple, they know they’re not going to pay the credit. They’re saving probably 95 to hundred percent of their credit card fees! Right. So, they’re not paying for credit card processing. So that’s helping them survive in this economy, you know whatever whirlwind we’re in! Right! So that’s helping and it’s simple. So, it’s simple to understand. And I would say in most cases that the customers don’t complain about it. If they do, they won’t come back. But I’d say in most cases people don’t notice $40 is another dollar, it’s not going to make my decision.
Honestly, I’ve never paid attention. To how much the differences, like if they ask for cash or credit, if I have cash, I’ll pay in cash! But we’ve been dealing with it at gas stations since I’m driving. No one pays attention to that man. No, but I’m saying you go to the gas station, you’ll see on some of the pumps that you’ll go to.
Oh, it’s $3 and 50 cents if you pay with cash, and it’s $3 and 60 cents if you use your card. My mom says that she works at a gas station, and she’s got to explain. How come the cash price is changing in front of my eyes? As you see it says cash, and now it says credit, right? Cash – Credit, da.
So, people, we’ve been. “It’s been that way for it been that way forever”. At gas stations, the government payments, school payments. They’ve been allowed to do it for a couple of decades and some business! And people opt. I think we’re just over the last three or four years, we just see people opting in for a more simplified type of payment options.
And the other thing, so let’s just talk about the pros and cons. So, the cons of having a regular merchant account are if you’re not doing a lot of volumes, there could be a lot of fees. The pricing can be confusing. The bill’s going to look confusing. You going to have to do PCI compliance.
You’re going to have to log into this PCI compliance portal and fill stuff out. And then if you don’t do it, you’re going to get whacked with a non-compliance fee. And then every service you want to have from that company, let’s say you say, oh, I want to, besides my credit card machine, I want a virtual terminal, oh, you got to pay for that. Oh, I want to get my money deposited the next day, oh, there’s a fee for that. Oh, I need whatever it is, oh, there’s a fee for that, right?
So, you could get fees to death, just depends on the size of the business. If you have a really big business, right? And you could get, you can negotiate a lot. You negotiate. Yeah, you can negotiate a lot better pricing.
Or let’s say we’ve talked about it on the podcast about emerging markets, right? So, let’s say you’re in an emerging market business that gets special rates like insurance, education, and different businesses like that, right? Then you can get better rates that way. So, you must know.
Understand what you’re doing, but if the volume’s not there, it doesn’t matter. The monthly fees could add up over time unless you have a lot of volumes! So as a web designer why would I stop using PayPal, and sign up with Nationwide Payment Systems? The benefit is with our new system is every customer gets the dashboard.
So, they’re getting the same similar type of service that you have from PayPal or Stripe, and we’re giving you a free Woo Commerce plugin. Oh, the dashboard is like where you log into your account, and then you can see all of your deposits, all your transactions, and all your customer information.
You can send out an invoice. You can have two-way communication with customers about your invoice and get the keys to the Woo Commerce plugin. So, we give you the free Woo Commerce plugin, which normally if you had a regular merchant account, you’re paying 99 or a hundred dollars a year for that year’s plugin.
You keep saying that, it’s not, that’s free, sir. The gateway is. Woo Commerce is free, you don’t have to pay for Woo Commerce. I know that. And if you’re talking about the gateway. What authorized.net? You have to pay for that! But that’s, you don’t most of the time you don’t if no one uses that.
Okay, I have a lot of merchants. They build a specific type of website and then they need authorized.net. And if you use authorized.net, you have to download the authorized.net plugin store. Okay, specifically what he’s talking about, if you have an authorized.net, you’re getting jerked come over to Nationwide Payment Systems, and we can help you.
Okay. All the other people that are already using Woo Commerce and they’re not paying for anything, sir at all. They’re not paying for anything. I get that. Okay. That’s what I’m saying because PayPal and Stripe give you a free plugin for it. They have a, there’s a, whatever. They have their payment plugin.
Yes, there you go. Whatever you want to call it and it’s free. So, the same thing, Nationwide Payment System gives you the free payment plugin. Yes. So that’s what I’m comparing it to verse authorized.net. But we’re authorized.net is like signing up for a merchant account. That’s what I’m saying. But we’re not, we’re trying to explain. “I know I’m giving the pros and the cons of that situation”. Alright, man.
So, the con is, you don’t have to pay. The pro is if you go with Nationwide Payment Systems, you’re getting a similar type of service as PayPal, Strip, and Square and we’re giving you the free payment plugin for your Woo Commerce site. That you would pay for if you were that, that you would pay for if you were using authorized.net. Right!
If you were using authorized.net, you’d pay for the plugin a hundred bucks a year! Right. Plus, you’d pay authorized.net 20 bucks a month and 10 cents a transaction. So, we eliminated that right from the equation so that we can be on an even playing field. The Nationwide Payment Systems is on an even playing field, our rates are less than PayPal, Stripe, and Square!
Got it. So, we’re less, and we’re given the same service and even better features and adding more stuff all the time. We’re on a roadmap to add more stuff. Yeah, I was just trying to make sure of that, because when you’ve been saying that it’s paid and it’s not right, it’s just not. Authorized.net, you do have to pay, for an extension to activate it through
Woo Commerce. I’d never done that.
Oh, okay. Out of 10 years of building websites. They must be all operating some very different types of business. Sketchy businesses. They’re not sketchy, larger companies or they’re building. What like a construction company like? No that’s like big CBD companies.
Okay. We’ll see how you’re. It’s a different type of, PayPal that doesn’t process CBD. That’s what I’m saying, we don’t process it either right now, but we could be soon on nationwidepaymentsystems.com. Right now, CBD is not accepted. You have to get a regular merchant account. Because it’s not a product all banks want.
No, but you have people that go out, they build a specialized, I’ll give you an example, they build an agenda. The reason why I’m bringing this up is that I’m talking about as far as freelance web developers, and agencies. We make it easy. Agencies aren’t using authorized.net, right? So, they’re using PayPal. Right!
They’re using Square, they’re using Stripe to attach it to a website, right? So, the majority of these WordPress websites they’re not running authorized.net, okay. I’m just saying, so what we’re, what I’m saying is that we’re now making it easy for them to work with us. Go to PayPal, Stripe, and Square.
Did they ever pay you anything? No. Okay. We never even got into that. So, they don’t pay you anything. If you’re an agency and you come to work with us and you refer clients, then you get the benefit of the free payment plugin, and you get paid, and your customers get an easy way to get a merchant account because they answer 10 questions and get approved in 5 minutes and you get the free payment plugin.
Keep saying this free payment plugin and you’re going to make me throw something. Just saying that’s what I’m used to the people have to pay for it. I don’t know what you’re talking about. Okay. I’m used to you getting a regular merchant account, you’re paying for it!
Authorized.net thing, that’s a hundred bucks a year. Go look in Word Press for it. We’ve seen it, I know what you’re about. But I would never I have never said, hey man, you should go get an authorized.net account. I understand that! That’s what. I don’t, I’ve never wanted my people to go to spend more money, I wanted them to be whatever.
So, carry on. Yes, we have everything that you need to run your e-commerce store. Go to the website, and you get. Fill out the application and you’ll be hitting the ground running in no time. It’s really simple! Yeah. So that’s the, so you know, what is the merchant account? A merchant account is a way for you to get paid, simple!
Your customers put in a credit card, you get cash in your bank account. Easy! Say that one more time for the guys in the back. Okay, for the guys in the back, “your customer puts their credit card information in the website or they put their credit card in”. That’s not what you just said. What did I say? Whatever.
Rocky doesn’t like it. Let’s go, I’m starving. You’re starving. Yes. What else have we got? That’s it! That’s the whole, that’s the whole website. What is the merchant account? So, you can get cash in your bank account. You give your customers what they want. They get to pay with the credit card that they like, which gives them consumer protection.
You get cash in your bank account, and you have your rights as a merchant to protect your business. There you go! And you get customer service from Nationwide Payment Systems that you don’t get from the other companies who are the competitors to what we’re going up against, right now with our new service.
But you should give it a try! “nationwidepaymentsystems.com.” If you’re an agency partner with us and you become part of the ecosystem of residual income. And if your merchants save money and get better service! So, you’ll be able to save some money and get better service from a payment company.
Work with a payment company that’s going to be able to help you grow your business. And so, you can flourish and be a successful entrepreneur, and that’s the information we give you on the podcast all the time. Educating business owners about payments and about different ways to do it and why you should have a merchant account, why your customers want you to have a merchant account because they want their consumers to protect.
And they want their miles and their cash back and etcetera, etcetera, rewards. So, peace out. Thank you for listening. As we said, you can visit B2B vault.info. Hit apply. You’ll go to the Nationwide Payment Systems website. You want additional information. You can get in touch with us there, or you can text the Word B O O K to 9 5 4 8 2 7 9 8 1 8.
You’ll get back to our appointment calendar and you can set up an appointment. You can talk to me, you can talk to Justin. You can set up a meeting with Rocky. He can’t tell you much. Just like gimme some chicken jerky. And that’s about it. Peace Out! Everybody have a great day!