What’s up everybody it’s Justin Live from B2B Vault, the payment technology podcast with your host, Allen Kopelman. And we’ll be providing you with educational information about business payments, FinTech, decentralized finance, and the technology businesses use in today’s world. And in today’s podcast, we’ll be talking about FinTech or financial technology, and what that is. And yeah! So, what is FinTech? It’s one of those buzzwords that has been going around for the past two, or three years. It’s been going around for a long time, but like FinTech itself. I would say in the past five years have just exploded onto the scene with like, everybody wants to be a FinTech company! somehow!
Like every digital marketing agency, every software company, all of it, is somehow they’re integrating financial technology into their business model. And I’m all for it, it’s cool! There’s been a lot of advancements, in the past couple of years when it comes to just tech in general, right? Yeah! Yeah! man. So, what the hell is FinTech? Yeah, so I wanted to give a simple explanation. What is financial technology combining software and payments or the movement of money! So that’s basically, FinTech. And every, lots and lots of software companies are always trying to figure out how to monetize their software.
And that’s how they’re going to, that’s how they’re monetizing their software through subscription memberships, integrating payments into the software. So, let’s say I sell software and Justin becomes a customer of my software. He uses the software and then he needs to have a payment account associated with that. FinTech company can work with a company like us. And then we get that all set up for them to enable all that to happen. And then that FinTech company makes a piece of the revenue. Got it! So that’s one version of FinTech, other versions where we’re seeing FinTech is where banks, there’s like all these banks, we talked about the Neo bank before! Right?
What’s a Neo bank? The Neo banks are the banks with no branches. Some of the big ones are Evolve and then underneath Evolve are many, they sponsor many of the Neo banks. So, they’re the real bank PayPal, right? Yeah! PayPal they’re trying to become a bank. No, I’m saying, but right now they’re considered a Neo bank, right? Not really! They are more of a FinTech, but they’re trying to offer banking services because you can keep your money on your PayPal account. And not use it almost as a bank account, but you’ve always been able to do that. So, I’m just saying there’s a bank, but it’s not FDIC insured!
So, if you left your money there and PayPal went out of business or got hacked one day and everything disappeared. You’d go, where’s my money. If you had a hundred grand there it’d be gone! And then no, FDIC! Not like credit card processing everything’s FDIC insured! Got it. Your lease. So, your mattress is not FDIC secured? Your, no! Your mattress is not FDIC secured! Just checking! That Nike box with your life savings in it? That’s not secured, sir! Or the whole, we had a guy once I’ll tell you a crazy story when I lived in Atlanta. I worked at this when I was going to culinary school at college. I was attending to get my degree in hospitality management and culinary arts.
So, I was working at this private club. And the club was in existence a hundred years when I went to work there. No kidding. And there were a couple of guys that worked there that were pretty old. They were older, probably in their sixth, the late sixties, early seven one guy retired. And they when he was a move when they were. He got to the point where, they had to put him in a retirement home and they, these people must have been, they were very wealthy that owned the members. So, some guy at a retirement home and they used to the older workers, people who worked there for 20, 30 years, they put him in they took care of them.
They put him in a retirement home. Really? Yeah, it was pretty cool! Pretty cool, and on Christmas, they would have everybody come. To the employee Christmas party! Nice! You’d see these people there some of them were 80, or 90 years old and they were living at this retirement home. And one of the guys, when they took him, to move him out of his house, he was going nuts about his mattress and his couch.
Literally, the guy used to get off work on Friday’s cash, his check! Taking all the money, he would go buy whatever little food he needed or whatever he needed. And there was some, this was going on he worked there since he was like 16 or 17 years old. And he was, have the envelope with the cash in it. They used to do that at the bank. Yeah, they still do that. And they put the cash in the envelope, and he had these envelopes stuffed inside the mattress, the couch everywhere. And I guess when his mom was alive, she took care of some of the money, and it was in the bank. But after that, it wasn’t in the bank!
The club used to actually give him half his check and put half in the bank for him. And there was like somebody that volunteered to make sure the guy got like new clothes every once in a while, and food shopping and stuff. They used the money from, but the rest of the money, the guy that stored. So, he had 400 over 400 grand stuffed in his mattress! Nice. All over the house and different mattresses, the couch, they said they were pulling the stuff out. They were freaking out, there was so much money! I wouldn’t have been freaking out. I shout out to that guy. Yeah. He reminds me of myself. It was crazy, but it’s, but whatever FinTech, now you have FinTech, so you don’t need all that!
But see the thing about like people from that generation people, and I can relate because I’m the type of person that wants to see it. You want to see the money! If I had $400,000 in a bank account and you walk to the bank and you say, I want to see $400,000. They’re going to look at you like you’re nuts! They’re going to be like, we don’t even have that much money in the bank! Exactly. Like you got to make a call in advance to get that, to see that. So, I am definitely one of the types of people that I want to see it. I want to touch it; I want to smell it! You want to be the make rain guy? I am not even going to make it rain, I’m going to Scrooge McDuck it!
Go swim in, the swimming pool and take a swim in my cash. No, but people were into the cash, but cash is not going away. So, it’s still here, it’s still here to stay! There are plenty of people that take cash. Yeah. Cash. Don’t put your million dollars in the mattress though. Don’t listen to me. I’m, it’s cool to have some cash on hand, but definitely stash that for a rainy day. Keep it secure! Yep, they always tell you. Go to a local credit union or something, somewhere that you want to put your money in, and you feel safe. Banks now are trying to step it up with FinTech. So, what do you see going on at banks now? Like on my debit card, I log into my bank account, and oh, you can get all these cool discounts!
And so you got to click off the different companies that they’re advertising, and you can get a discount. Oh, the cashback reward types of things. Yeah! Cashback on your, spend all your money here and we’ll give you 3 cents back for every $3,000. They actually give better. No, I’m joking! I, they give better rewards on the credit card than they do on your savings account! They do give you better rewards on a credit card than your debit card! My dad just yelled at me the other day because I was paying for gas with cash, right? Like my debit card. And he’s what the, what are you doing? And he’s you need to start spending that funny money. And so, he threw me a credit card.
He’s like fill it up on there and, pay it next week! You, yeah, you two, 3% cash back on gas. Exactly. That’s what he said. Yeah. He, you get a lot of money back. If you get, you got to get the right credit card so you can get the benefits. That’s part of FinTech too. The benefits you’re getting from using the credit card, so where, where are you seeing this? You’re going to see where banking, payments, software, accounting, and things, all converge, where it all converges! We’re talking to companies now that say, hey, you guys want to offer bank accounts. This is like literally one company now, everything you just said. So, like what we were saying earlier about everyone wants to be a FinTech, a banking a bank now they’re offering payments.
They have software and accounting, right? So then yeah, like QuickBooks, integrate PayPal, whatever. And then now you have all these other startups who maybe were a software company, but now they’re offering. Accounting payments in some sort of banking partnership. Yeah. That’s what’s happening. Like we’re talking to a bank. I have a meeting with a bank this week and I have a meeting probably maybe this week or next week with another bank that wants to say, hey, while you guys are offering merchant accounts, why don’t you offer people banking too? I don’t know how that exactly going to work because when we set some well business banking, yeah! But like when we set somebody up with credit card processing, they need an avoided check. So, I got to hear how that’s going to work out. Ah, yeah! So, I’m not sure how that is going to work! You can onboard new.
Yes, you’d onboard them to a bank account and at the same time a merchant account. So, you’d be onboarding them for both things. So, there’s a lot of, that’s tough. We were talking about that, right. If I’m a business owner, I don’t want. getting me to move my bank. It’s not going to be, there got to be some pretty good incentives for me to do that That’s what I’m saying! Maybe there are some incentives where you’re going to get your money faster. Get a credit card from there. I don’t know! That’s why we’re having meetings, to learn about how to converge all these things into one, one place, to see if it’s even possible. But that’s what we talk about when we talk to companies because, and the same thing is happening.
People out there, have software, and they want to make their software company cooler, so they need to make, so like you have a company, Robinhood, right? So now, like you don’t need to call like Charles Schwab guy and go, Hey Charles Schwab guy, or my TV Ameritrade, dude. Hey, I want to buy some stocks! You just get on an app, hook up your bank account, send a couple of hundred bucks over there and start investing Rocky, you didn’t like that one? He doesn’t not like investing. He doesn’t like investments! Okay.
What am I investing in today? But then you have other apps, what’s that app Acorn, you can have your leftover money. So, let’s say on your debit card, you ran all these transactions. So, you ran a transaction for $20 and 50 cents. They take at the end of the month; they total all that. They hit your debit card and take whatever 10, $12. And they put it in Acorn and that’s invested into a pool of stocks, right? So, there are all kinds of different. I saw another one on TV recently. They’ve been pushing called Public, it’s the same kind of deal. You can take a little bit of money, put it in there, and then you’re buying like a mutual fund or individual stocks, and even Robinhood, they’re letting people buy crypto on there. There are all kinds of things going on, but like we always thought we did a podcast about the subscription model, the subscription economy! And that’s part of this, FinTech is companies who, where you can get the software.
Like I have air, my air conditioning company, so instead of them collecting $120 a year and they come out twice a year, I’m making the price up. Then now have it where you pay 10 bucks a month, and then they still come twice a year, but you don’t have to fork out the 120 and it, so they give us smaller payments and I’ve seen other companies like switching to that, switching to that model, but it’s important, subscription, let’s say you’re a pool cleaning company and you go out and you clean 50 people’s pools. You want to be walking up to their door. They might not even be home. And you’re like, oh, I got my little credit card machine. It’s easier to use technology and set them up with a subscription, than you just, or some sort of. Invoice or whatever. Yeah. Or you text them and then they click it and they make their payment, you got to make it easy on people, so you can collect your money!
But it’s important, to see that, but everything, that’s what FinTech, and there are all types of FinTech, it’s not all related to payments. You got apps like Carvana, and buy a car from the app. I think that’s crazy! And they come and bring it on a truck to your house. That’s different! I think from a car standpoint, Tesla really changed the game with cars. Yeah. And I read an article about this. So, it said Tesla is the only company right now where there are no car dealerships. There’s no such thing. There’s no such thing as a Tesla car dealership. No. So if you want to buy a car from Tesla, you got to go to the Tesla website. Excuse me. And you got to order a. And so, the car companies are saying, hey, this is not fair, but now they’re starting to think Hey, maybe Tesla is the right idea because they got all these car lots.
And during the pandemic and stuff with the chip shortage and all that, they ran out of cars. So why should we have car dealerships with all these things? Just turn those car dealerships into service centers. No more, drop-off to maintenance, to the car. Yeah, maintain the car, turn it into a gas station to charge up the car, or maybe even have a gas tire shop, expand your service offering to give more service, and put whatever, maybe put a restaurant in there. Showroom, I mean put it have a showroom of your car, about cars. But I’m saying that they could put a full-blown car wash. There and everything car lot are like such a waste of space. When I look at car lots nowadays, it’s wow, man. They’re like two, three acres, four acres of just that, cars. And Tesla, what do they have? A, a little storefront. Yep. And then a big service center. But I was reading about this article was interesting, some law.
Some states have laws against that. But I guess Tesla got around that by setting up these little storefronts, where someone can go feel, touch the Tesla, see what it’s about. Sit in it. They usually don’t in the beginning, they let you drive it. Like they have one in the Boca mall and Boca Raton, Florida in the mall! You go in, they got a couple of Tesla’s sitting in there. You don’t have to go talk to people. The banks have to be losing money on that. You can get a loan from the app, so no one’s going to the bank to get a loan. You can go to these third-party companies. Oh! And get a car loan. Then there are apps to send money to like your friends, Zelle people, money, cash app people money, Venmo people money, and other things, and we talked about fraud.
I put a social media post up with a whole bunch of fraudulent text messages the other day. I saw that! And just want to show people like, don’t fall for those. You see that thing if you’re not sure like, maybe it looks like it’s from your bank. Don’t put in your login information! I was reading a whole story about how a bunch of people are trying to Sue, Zelle. And they’re trying to Sue, Zelle, and the bank and a couple of banks, because they said that they got a text message saying, oh, log into your Zelle and they logged in. And in essence, what happened was it was a fraudster that made a fake-looking login to the bank or banks.
They put in their login information, and that person then got it. Because they hit enter. Then that person actually logged into their bank account and then Zelled themselves. Then, the fraudster Zelled themselves a few hundred dollars. And then the person freaked out. There’s nothing they can do about it once the Zelle. I think they got to with Zelle and all these things, I think they got to go to two-factor authentication, but then like you said, someone could steal your phone, and then they have your phone, and then they can.
I think the Zelle thing is that’s just. Users us ourselves, right? Yeah. Have to educate ourselves. Yeah, exactly. First and foremost, right? Yeah. Don’t fall for these scams. Just don’t do it most of the time. Like these like Zelle, can’t be accountable for your stupidity. I’m sorry. Yeah. Like at some point you got to take accountability for not reading or not doing your due diligence on what it is you’re actually clicking on. But they also target senior citizens. Who doesn’t know any better! The text message thing. I think there should be, there’s got to be a better way of filtering that out.
These platforms like these different cell phone carriers would, I don’t know. There’s got to be a way. Of filtering out all the Robocalls. Yeah! Cuz they’re sending like these messages from these third-party, this is a mass computer software that just clicks enter and is right there. But they’re in Pakistan or Russia or some Nigeria, whatever. They’re not even in the US. Most of the time. And then they’re sending out these bogus messages using and then they spoofed numbers. Like one of my friends, his number got spoofed. And then Verizon said to him, hey, get a new phone number. He’s no, I’ve had the same phone number for 15 years.
But so many people got like, bogus messages that they blacklisted his number. He had a, he would, he got to get a lawyer because he wanted that phone number back. And he’s no, you can’t ruin it, just because somebody stole my phone. And made a bunch of fake text messages and made a bunch of crank phone calls, trying to get people, like we get these phones, I recorded one it’s on one of the social media where Samantha recorded me talking to a scammer and the guys were trying to get my credit card number over the phone. And I was busting the guy’s chops for about 10 minutes which I don’t mind doing because they deserve it.
Cause they deserve to get that, it’s BS! You can buy stocks, crypto, you have your leftover money going into, so those, all these companies, they’re all FinTech companies Yeah. And then alternative payments are also part of FinTech, ACH getting paid with an electronic check, electronic invoicing, making a payment via a text, an email, or a QR code. I’ve seen it a bunch of times. Like I ate at a restaurant and, there’s, they don’t have enough help. So, they bring the ticket to the table. The guy goes, scan the QR code, make your payment. Because they don’t have enough help, they’re making up for it with technology payments, through conversational text, which we’re testing out now, crypto payments Buy Now Pay Later consumer financing.
Now, you got Buy Now Pay Later. Let’s say I come into Justin’s shoe store, and I say, he goes, I say uh, a little short, I can’t. He could say, hey, you want to put your shoes on four payments. Boom, make a sale for shoes. Consumer financing is getting bigger and bigger. You can do it in person on your website, remotely, send somebody the link, and set up, some kind of consumer financing for them for all sorts of products and services. We just did a whole podcast on Buy Now Pay Later and that triggered a few people to contact me about our program. Hopefully, they signed up. So, we’ll see. One of the things we do is we specialize in helping customers use. Technology, financial technology in their business. Hey, maybe you should have a subscription for whatever you’re doing.
Let’s say you’re a web company. You make websites for people instead of trying to get the person to pay you $2,000 for the website or $5,000 for the website. And then paying you, let’s say for a year of hosting. Upfront four or 500 bucks. Let me help you out. So, say your let me do, let me help you out with the web part of it. So, say, you web developer company, you’re a freelancer. You just possibly got this new client he’s you sent him the statement of work. It was $10,000. You got the maintenance included. You got the hosting, you got the SEO, digital marketing included to Google my business. You’re ready to go. And he looked at that ticket and he said, 10 K man.
Okay. I got to pay my daughter’s school semester, that’s coming up let’s fall back, let’s circle back on this project third quarter and next, of the business this year, right? Yeah. And you’re like crap, man. That’s 10. I needed that 10K. Instead of you. all right. Here’s the 10K you know, typically we, in web developer you get half now, a partial, and then the finish, you get the rest of your money when you finish the project. But with this, they get, so say it’s 10 grand. They pay the first payment of 2,500 and then automatically, the rest of that bill is getting deducted out of their credit or their debit, and their bank account.
Whatever you set it up at. Right! Two weeks, three weeks, every month. So then that way is spaced out in time for them to pay and you still get the client. Back in the day, we didn’t add it. Like I used to try to do that all the time. Hey, I got this one guy, I’ll do whatever you need me to do, man. I don’t want to lose you. I want you, I want to, let’s finance the project. There wasn’t really a way of doing that legitimately right? Automated payments. Yeah. No, you would always have to put the trust in that person that they were going to pay you. And I’ll tell you what I’ve had so many times sitting there yeah, nope.
Delete website. Delete DNA. Yeah, you can get it, you put the person who says, oh, okay, fine. I’ll gimme three grand and it’s 500 a month. But also, now you’re creating monthly income for yourself. So, if you sign up 10 people like that and they’re paying you, let’s say. Let’s say five, three to $500 a month. Let’s just use 300. You have 10 customers. Now you got three grand a month, that’s coming in every month, and you got to, at the same time, you send a report to the person you justify what you’re doing for them. Yeah. And you work your business like that.
That’s where this whole subscription economy’s coming in. And that’s part of FinTech it’s using. We talked about it, we just did another podcast about small business. But before you get in. Let’s shout out to the sponsors Nationwide Payment Systems and NPS Printer. Thank you for everything. Check us out on Spotify, Stitcher, iHeartRadio, Apple podcast, Google podcast, YouTube, you name it, we’re there! Please subscribe to the channel on YouTube. Shout out to the new followers out there, we appreciate you! Make sure you like the comment, smash that comment, the button, and share it with all your friends and family members, fellow business owners, and entrepreneurs that you know!
Or if someone, maybe they’re in school or thinking about starting a business is a lot of good content on the channel for people who are just entering, the entrepreneur just catching the entrepreneurship bug. So yeah, please subscribe to the used YouTube channel. We’re trying to get our numbers up. Don’t forget to go to B2BVault.info to check out some of the past episodes. If you want to listen there. There’s also a form for you to get in touch with this guy, Allen Kopelman, or myself if need be, and a way for you to inquire about possibly sponsoring the podcast.
On the 11th of August, we will be announcing the winner of our 100th episode contest. So, that’s going to be pretty cool. Got some cool prizes. Got the Oculus second generation for the first prize, a hundred dollars gift card for the second prize, and a $50 Amazon card for third place. Yeah! And we’ll probably give away other stuff too. Oh yeah. I mean there are swag bags. Yeah, I’ll throw some I’ll figure out some, you. Some way of getting some other, cool swag out there for the rest of the followers. You got a water bottle, we got water bottles, a T-shirt, and stickers are on the way. So, all kinds of cool stuff! Yep. Yeah, man, head over to B2BVault.info.
If you looking to set up a merchant account, there’s an apply now button for you to get that started right away through us too. We’re here for you to help and get your learn on! Yeah! Financial technology, it’s expanding to many different things, and you can use it, use it in your business in the best way that you can figure out, how to create recurring revenue. My accountant calls it mailbox money! Man, I’m all about mailbox money. So, you got to build your mailbox money. That’s what you got to do with your business is figure out. Hey, how can I monetize my business the best way to monetize your business, if you’re not sure, and you have a business, you want to discuss it with us.
That’s what we do, we provide consulting services, call us up and say, Hey, maybe you need to use a different, instead of trying to collect money this way, instead of that way, sometimes it’s not especially attractive because you got to think about it more, as a long term goal, but you’re going to put yourself in a better financial position by having, like Justin said, instead of trying to get that 10 grand check, hey, get 3000 upfront charge a bigger monthly fee. Then the person’s paying that monthly and you got the back end coming. So, then they feel more comfortable with you signing up for that $60 a month maintenance plan that they weren’t, they were worried about because there wasn’t a real, procedure for it to go. What’s the word I’m trying to say? There’s no accountability. Right!
So, when you’re charging people monthly, they have accountability on you, and you have accountability on them. But at the same time, you’re doing the automated billing. It’s sometimes we have customers that come to us, they go, oh, I don’t want to buy the, I don’t want to buy the credit card machine. Okay. We’ll rent, we put you on the month, the rental program, right! So, we put them on a rental program it’s month to month. They pay for that’s how they pay for their credit card machine. And you’re going to see that more that’s another thing that’s going on with financial technology used to be just software as a service.
Now we’re also seeing hardware as a service. So, you pay a little bit for the hardware and then there’s a monthly fee, so the company’s not charging you. Before, like couple hundred dollars or $400 or $500 for machines. You’re paying like 199, 299, and then a small monthly fee. And then you’re also getting the warranty with it. So, the thing breaks, it’s under warranty. Starting to see we’re talking to another company too, that has hardware as a service, as we talked about for the salon and the other podcast, $39 a month, restaurant software starting at $49 a month, better software, $79 a month.
And that includes the software and the hardware. Somebody, to go buy a point of sale for your salon or for a restaurant where you need like one station, it’s all part of the, this financial technology, thin tech movement, everything operating in this subscription economy. This subscription economy, although you have companies like Truebill, right! You say, oh, sign up for Truebill, and get rid of some of your subscriptions, and people are doing that! I signed up for Truebill and I was very happy that I did. Because I was paying for two Amazon like I had two separate Amazon accounts. Wow! With two different emails I had, I was paying for a subscription to Netflix that I didn’t even know I had.
And a few other things I end up saving like almost 70 bucks a month. Okay. Listen, it’s important! There’s a difference, like in your personal life, the subscriptions that you have. Cause I wasn’t paying attention. Like I, Netflix, right? Yeah. It was 11.99 and then, oh, it’s Netflix, but why is it, I didn’t just really pay attention to why it’s in there twice. Right? No, but at the same time, it’s like Amazon. Yeah. But I’m saying at the same time, like for business. It’s a good way to keep the costs low, to keep your customers, and for different types of businesses to have it on a recurring basis. Oh, I would, if for businesses, I know you’re talking, you’re not, but Truebill,
I think for businesses is also another thing that would be very, beneficial for some of these businesses. Yeah. You got to check to make sure what you’re paying for. Exactly. Cause I had. There that’s for instance, I was paying for a subscription for some developer tools. Remember we were talking about that. What is it called? Yeah. You were paying for something you’re like, I didn’t even use that. And you didn’t remember theme force, the theme force thing, right? The theme force. They have an unlimited anyway. It was pretty expensive. And I was paying for it for almost a whole year.
And I did not, I just didn’t know I or pay attention enough to cancel it. And yeah, it gave me a hundred bucks, but still, that’s, but that’s what you got to do, Subscription is now the economy is tight, but still with the subscription using Buy Now Pay Later, spreading out payments. That’s going to help businesses get more sales, and then with today with the technology available, you can get, make it easier to collect. So, there’s one thing I want to talk about too, about having PayPal and all this other thing, PayPal, doesn’t let you accept credit cards! Do you understand?
Yeah. Like you can’t, so if you have a client and they want to make a, they don’t have that option of making a partial payment. Oh, and yeah, they don’t they don’t like subscriptions. No. PayPal, they come. So, with a merchant account, not only are you able to basically set up whatever payment structure model that you want to create for your business. But you also have other opportunities of one being able to take a credit card as payment, not someone’s debit card. I’m saying like, if they have a line of credit with MasterCard, and they want to use their MasterCard to pay for their digital marketing package with a Merchant Account through Nationwide Payment Systems, you can now do this.
You can now accept the credit card for your service, for your product, whatever. Most payment processing companies like PayPal, and Square Stripe, they don’t let you set take a credit card! They don’t let you do it. They’re very strict on recurring payments that too very strict. And the other thing is I like Visa came up with a new rule that starts next year. I’m not talking about like, E-commerce stuff. Right! Like you could use your credit card for that. I’m talking about, for services for like you, you can’t. Yeah. You can’t take it over the phone and key it in. They don’t like that. No. And if you run somebody’s card multiple times, they don’t like it.
Yeah. They boot you out! No, but with merchant services you can send somebody, you can sign them up, have them sign a paper, put the credit card into the system, and then set it and forget it! Yeah. They’re making their payments every month. Then that way you’re creating for yourself, monthly income, and you don’t have to go out and make a sale every month. Oh, I got to go make some more sales. No, I’m creating monthly income. You got to be so worried about making sales because you not losing. You’re building a long-term customer. Exactly! By having a subscription-type business or whatever you want to call it, software as a service, hardware as a service, whatever it is, you’re creating this subscription economy.
And because it’s low payments, that’s why a lot of people, they don’t know, oh, I have two Amazon, two Netflix accounts. Yeah! You got to check your credit card bill to see what you pay for absolutely every month and make sure oh, I’m not getting charged for this, or I’m not getting charged for that. I had a situation a few years ago where I was paying a bunch for a bunch back in the day. ATMs ran on phone lines. And the phone line was like 20 bucks in a business. So, we would pay for the phone line. One time I went out and I was having problems and I was like, I discovered I was paying for three phone lines that were never installed.
I’m like I contacted AT&T I’m like, hey, I went out to each one of these locations.
With, and I hooked up a phone to the phone line I’m using you guys never reprogrammed the phone lines. So, I’m still using the business’s telephone line. The only reason I knew was one business complained, hey, you got to get the ATM off of our phone line. We’re not getting any phone calls. No, like, it blocked, we used to put it like on their fax line, but something happened, and the ATM stopped working and I was like, Wow! But AT&T did give me back all the money. And they used to charge you like a hundred bucks to go install it and all this stuff. But they gave me all the money back because I said, that’s not right! You guys never installed the phone lines. They had no rec, they had paperwork, but nobody ever went and did it.
That’s crazy! But now the ATMs run on either wireless box using wireless data or hooked up right to the router. We always make people, I always tell people don’t be, don’t plug the ATM into the technologies. Like when you’re using technology, you got to make sure you use it the right way. Like I some guy that ATM stopped working at a location. I was like where’s the wire supposed to go straight back to the route. And instead, he’s oh, I jumped it off some off something in the ceiling. And I was like, dude that’s not going to work. What did you know? That thing went bad. So that had to run a whole new wire back to the router.
The same thing, we tell people all the time, direct connect, always direct connect. Yeah. Don’t try to do it. Use tech learn to use financial technology in your personal life. Young people. It’s a great idea. They can be investing all this spare change with like Acorns and other little apps. Use those apps. You can use your phone to pay a bill use, maybe use your radio to pay a bill, all this financial technology to figure out like, oh, I can get a better credit card. I can get a better rate. Not so now on your loans, when loan, when the interest rates go down, maybe you can get better rates.
You get a better credit card with better rewards and things like that. So, using financial technology works in your personal life and in your business. So, use financial technology. If you want to find out more about financial technology and how we could help your business with financial technology, either integrating payments or helping you set up subscriptions. For your products or services, let us know, go to the website, B2B Vault.info. You can do everything there. Apply! Get in touch with us to get an appointment and follow the podcast everywhere. Follow us on social media. Check out Rocky’s social media page. If you like Rocky, our mascot, podcast mascot. I think we’re the only podcast with the mascot on the show.
Rocky, come on, take the camera, put it on Rocky. He’s taking a nap, Rocky. Say hello to everybody he’s sleeping but I think we’re the only podcast with an official mascot and he has an Instagram page, Rocky B2B Vault mascot. So, piece out Carpe Diem! Everybody have a great day! And lets everybody FinTech!