
complete ecommerce payment platform

  • FREE WordPress plugin
  • No additional gateway fees or transaction fees
  • Payment Links for social selling
  • Invoicing at no extra charge
  • Offer – In-Store Pick UP and Curbside Delivery
  • Get better service than Paypal, Stripe, Square, etc.. with our 24-7 live customer support via phone, chat, email, plus you are assigned a representative.

We offer you a variety of choices for your businesses Retail POS system

Accept Payments Smarter, Faster and with Powerful tools

Tools for managing your inventory, sync with your online store run your business from your phone or any place you have an Internet connection.

Transparent Pricing

Our Pricing is simple and easy to understand, choose from our base pricing program or 0% Option

Online Dashboard

Access your business on your PC, laptop, or mobile phone through the app

Month To month

All of our contracts are month to month, no long term agreements.

invoicing included

Every account has our popular invoicing feature where you can send and invoice to a customer and they can click and pay

Payment links

Use payment links to make quick sales on social media platforms or SMS for specific products or offers

dashboard & app

Access your business on your machine through the app or online

complete ecommerce payment platform

Every account comes with our free Woo-Commerce plug in and gateway. You can link up your Word Press Website and plug in right from Mission Control. With Nstionwide Payment Systems and WordPress we can power your website with no additional fees! Deliver an Omni Channel ecommerce payment processing Experience for your customers – let them check out and give them the choices they are seeking – in store pick up, curbside pick up, or shipping.

Nationwide Payment Systems E-commerce and WordPress this is an affordable solution for your business with no gateway fees , no gateway transactions fees, PCI Compliance or other fees with our Simple Transparent Pricing Plan. Build your store with Word Press if you site already uses word press we can help you or if you a building a new site we can help you as well.

You can get even more from your site unalike other platforms like Square, Stripe, PayPal, Shopify etc. over to WordPress. WordPress CMS is powerful and there are lots of plugins to power your site – 80% of e-commerce stores are powered by WordPress.

Solutions to fit your business’s needs. Flexible, scalable, & future proof.

Do you need to be able to accept in-person payments? Selling your goods at events, festivals, farmers markets and other outside events? You can add a credit card processing machine with wifi or 4G capabilities.

N910 Credit Card Terminal

The Mobile Solution – that uses 4G/5G or Wifi!

Countertop With Customer Facing Screen

Countertop terminal with customer-facing screen

Smart Terminal – No Printer

Sleek – Wifi – Smart terminal no printer – text and email receipts.

business management tools

Take payments on the Go and get real-time reporting.

If you do over $2 Million per year contact us for a special pricing quote

not sure what you need?

Contact one of our payment consultants and we will put together a program that suits your business’ needs. We look forward to working with you.

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