What’s up everybody? It’s Justin Live from B2B Vault, the Payment Technology Podcast sponsored by Nationwide Payment Systems with your host. Allen Kopelman and we’ll be providing you educational information regarding small business FinTech, payment processing, and the technology businesses are using in the world today.
And in today’s podcast, it’s Cyber Security Month. So in honor of that, we decided to have a show focused on cyber security, what you should do to avoid being, hacked stuff stolen. Whatever it is that you falls under cyber security there’s a lot involved in that, and people fall for the Okie doke on the regular.
People don’t pay attention. People click things that they shouldn’t. People give information. Re personal information, sensitive, personal information at that to people over the phone that they have no idea where they’re talking to. There’s just many different scams that are going on out there, and your website, and your email and your phone, your text messages are all ends to for ways for you to get your, information stolen or whatever.
So in an honor of cyber security month, today’s podcast is Cyber security. So we made a list of things you should be. , a little more vigilant about, because definitely there’s been an uptick in stolen identities, stolen credit card numbers, bank accounts, and so on and so forth. And everybody’s, I always tell everybody, like I log into my Credit Karma or Capital One.
. I think one I use Experian. , and there’s like a dark web thing, right? And it’s oh, your information’s on the dark web. Your information’s just on Google. It’s pretty bad. Someone can just put in my name. They could find my a, address phone number. It’s pretty easy.
People’s information is fairly public. Yep. I don’t even know how you can erase it at this point. It’s been out there for so long. But things you can do have antivirus on your computer and actually hit the scan button, have it, most or most devices come with the, antivirus already on your computer, right?
So instead of you, Paying attention or monitoring it, listen to what they tell you. So usually it has like a time to scan it, but make sure like that’s happening. A new thing is and I’m not sure like this helps at all, but I know that it will hinder in some cases when you’re trying to make a purchase or you’re trying to do, maybe log into your online banking.
This, but a lot of people talk about vpn, Virtual private network. What’s your thoughts on that? I don’t know enough. To have my opinion. I would say that virtual private networks are more secure for like businesses, I would say on my side, from my understanding of, what a VPN is, I don’t see like a civilian, the purpose of a, of some, some mom or dad, just, I see it’s an option on my iPhone now.
Yeah, that’s, you operate a business so you have some sort of, sensitive information. You might be sharing a social security number, somebody via text or whatever. I don’t know. Trying not to do that . But I’m just saying it happens. So in that case, the VPN.
If set up properly, it can help you prevent some things, but yeah, if you don’t, I don’t see the, the purpose in somebody like myself. I, yes, I do have ver a v I had a VPN set up on my phone before, but I stopped. I stopped, realized that I don’t use my phone for logging into websites and stuff like that.
Yeah. One thing is if you have a VPN or you’re generating a. Generating an IP address for your computer or trying to hide it. , when you go do a credit card transaction, your credit card won’t go through. So that’s a minus for that part of it. The other thing is going to, like today we got, somebody sent us a website, and then it came up, it said it was a malicious website. So you gotta be careful with that too. I don’t know. You sent me a link today saying somebody’s website. Oh. The woman who was trying to sell you link. Yeah. And then the website was a big red screen. Do not enter this website. Yeah. Anybody who’s soliciting their services and you, they send you did, she didn’t send me that link.
I’m just going to, do some investigating before we hire anyone to do anything. And the website was broke and unsafe. Come on man. Like how you doing business in 2022 like that? I don’t know. Yeah. I always like freak out when somebody sends me a website and it’s like a web company or a marketing company, and then it’s not secured or there’s, Are you not gonna have a SSL certificate?
Activated on your website in 2022 and you’re a digital marketing company. Come on man. I don’t know exactly. Whatever. Not getting my money pal. Yeah, definitely. You need to make sure people have, locks on their site. SSL certificates the payment pages are secure when you make a payment at the bare minimum, they, the payment page, checkout page will be secure.
But even, and that’s still suspect to me like I don. The whole website should be secured. Yeah. It’s, most companies a hundred bucks a year at the most, so but a lot of companies now offer, like managed hosting and it already comes with GoDaddy, gives you a free SSL certificate. Blue Host, if you host, buy the domain through them and host, they give you a free SSL certificate.
So I. . Yeah. I don’t know. Yeah, it’s available. It’s available and there’s ways of going around it to, not have to pay as well. There’s ones that you can download or something. So the other thing that’s, cyber security month I’ve been talking about a lot is the amount of fishing that’s going on.
Fishing emails, and we’re not talking about the one catching actual fish, the pH fishing, Phish emails, phish texts, SMS messages. That’s a big phone calls. It’s a huge thing like don’t fall for any of that. If you don’t know who’s sending you the link, like just avoid it. I get an email, a text message every day saying that my package from U P UPS is stuck.
The warehouse and the link. The link doesn’t, it’s not even ups. So it’s I can imagine, I can see my mom clicking that link, Yeah. I yell at my mom all the time. Yeah, we just click about that. That, Yeah. Don’t click on these links if you don’t know it. Online safety is a big thing and not just from like your personal, What is online safety?
Huh? Online safety. Is what we’re talking about when you’re getting links. We talked about going to websites that aren’t secure and it’s a thing where, let’s say you own a business, maybe you sit down your employees at Cyber Security month, sit everybody down and say, Hey, let’s go over some basics of cyber security.
Yeah. You get a ton. I get hundreds of emails. I send them to junk. I check my junk to make sure there’s nothing that should, maybe, sometimes things slip in there that you don’t want to slip in there, I see stuff in my junk all the time. Oh here’s an invoice. Here’s a voicemail.
It’s always stuff with attachments. If you don’t know what the attachment is, don’t open it. I had somebody send me an attachment the other day. I didn’t know what email that was. I just deleted it. . Then the person called me on the phone. I don’t know. You like, you just, sent me an email.
Nothing in there. Hi Allen. Nothing. Or I’ll see stuff like, Oh, pay this bill. You’re not expecting the bill. Then don’t open it. Don’t open it. Were you the one talking about the email the other day about white listing emails? Oh, no, this is when we were talking about. For the fraud, I mean for if you got kicked off a stripe, but, so there’s, this is, goes to, the email part of it a little bit, but I was reading an article about there’s a company that’s looking to disrupt.
The, like the email industry, right? Yeah. We were, you were, you had sent me that article and I was reading it about the guy who originally came up with blockchain idea. Yes. And the whole idea behind the blockchain wasn’t for transactional Bitcoin, it was for email to basically, Cut out all the, basically destroy spam on the internet.
And man, we need that bad. And so the, like, how it would work is that you would if I was, say I was gonna send emails, I had all these emails under my contact list and they’re white listed, if I wanted to send emails outside of that group, yeah, it would cost a quarter per email. It should So imagine.
All of those scammers would stop. It would just stop. Yeah. It would stop if they had to pay. If they’re not, even if they had to pay 5 cents, they wouldn’t do it even for a penny. No, they wouldn’t do it for a penny. No. Somebody might send a hundred. But that ain’t enough, right? That’s not enough.
Not the scammers. Not the scammers. No, the scammers. Like what? Remember I showed you that email? It said the boom of sales and for what, $99 you could send, it would send like 20 million emails out. Sure. It would. I was like, Wow. And then in doing so, and then in doing so, your domain gets blacklisted because you send, you’re, you’re spammy, so everyone’s marking your website.
So that’s something that people don’t understand either you have a website and your domain, your email is, whatever. [email protected], right? Yes. That’s the email. So we decide to use a marketing campaign with that email address. 300 people decide to market that as spam. That’s not good. No.
Yes. So after that, Google recognizes. and they put a little check mark next to your domain. And so it limits your search results in the, in, when someone’s Googling for something relevant to your business if that happened to you. So be very careful about the emails you’re sending out.
Yeah. Once I add an employee that work here, And I don’t know what possessed her, right? She took she just went on the email and emailed out like 500 emails. Oh yeah. None. That’s, And then I got a phone call from GoDaddy and Microsoft, and I was like, I don’t even know what you’re talking about.
And then they said, Oh, this person, they told me who it was. And I went and asked the person. They said, Oh, I didn’t do that. And I you obviously did. We’re getting a , you got ready, you got flagged? No, we just got a warning from Microsoft and from Gmail. Yeah. And that was during the pandemic, so they were really like flexing their muscles at that time.
and stopping people. No, it’s to just, you, they need to co if they charged for email, man, my email box, I would, It would be a lot easier to manage, that’s for sure. Yeah, I would dig. I would be very happy. I don’t know what happened to that invention, but someone needs to dig it out. No, he’s working.
They’re working on it. They’re working on it. I think it would be a big, but just think about how much, how that’s a really disruptive, they have an opportunity there, right? Yeah. They would a very disruptive technology for sure. People, disruptors are the ones that, you make a lot of money and, create fortunes for their families.
But I think getting. Even to the point of where you’re disrupting Gmail or Microsoft. don’t think it’s gonna disrupt it’s take while it’s gonna, Gmail should be happy because then they one and have people going up. That’s what I up opening up fake accounts. Getting Gmail to adapt to that too would probably, is probably not the easiest It’s not. They’re probably like, Why didn’t we think of that? Or they’re probably building on it and they don’t want to, they don’t wanna party. It’s not that Gmail could stop. Like most of the stuff that I get that’s spam. Most of it’s coming through Gmail, Yahoo. It’s coming through these free email places.
, that’s where it comes from. They don’t go buy a domain and then send it from a domain, cuz the domains just gonna be trashed afterwards. Oh yeah. So they’re not doing, They’re not going and getting a Microsoft account. They’re going and getting free email accounts. That’s the problem.
Free email shouldn’t be free unless you’re a student. Yeah. They need to figure that out. If email wasn’t free to get an email, People wouldn’t have all these email accounts, but G, But you know what, also Google’s part of the problem because every time you sign up for some of these services, it’s all linked to Gmail.
Then you need a separate Gmail account for every little service. You go hookups. And they created their own problem. Yeah. And also the stores, they sell your information. Yeah, exactly. So you know, you really need to educate yourself. Your family members educate your employees on the job. Cyber crime don’t get scammed.
I saw a figure 594 people a year globally get scammed through an email or a website only. Yeah, that’s what I, It’s a lot. Does it seem like a lot? There’s 350 people in the. Or something like that. 350 million in the us. Is that, No, that’s not right. You said 594 million million, right? I thought you said 594.
No, 594 million people. Oh yeah, that sounds about right. And the other thing is the amount of devices that a person has, Like I remember, whatever. When computers started, you had a lot of people, one computer in your. Right now, it’s like everyone, You have a house. Let’s say I have me and my son, I have a laptop.
He has a laptop. We both have a phone. I have a tablet, right? So that’s five. Then every, we have three TVs. They’re all hooked up to the internet. That’s eight devices. An Alexa is nine, the alarm system, 10, the air conditioning. 11. So you got a garage door to have 12 devices in a house up to the inter, and then he is got a game system.
, right? So somebody, two people in a house, We got 14 items on the internet. That’s man. So can you imagine? No, I’m just saying I had at what, at one point, I remember at the height of Justin being super dad. There. Almost 50 something devices connected to. That’s crazy. Yeah. That’s with six kids, right?
Yeah. So six times three is 18, right? We’re just saying three devices per kid, then all my stuff. You got a laptop, tablet, You got the desktop. I’ve had, I had two. Two, actually two desktops. One for a office, one for the kids. So that in case they wanted to, wife had game systems. I had a game system.
Wife had her stuff, dude, there was I looked at that cuz at and t called me and they said that I had to, they were about to cha charge me for the internet usage or I had to upgrade my. My current account. Yeah. So you gotta look at that. How many devices do you, are you using, yeah. And some of ’em weren’t even around anymore, yeah. It’s cur no, you got I logged into my that’ll remove the devices that aren’t there. You gotta go on, go online and click, Oh, this doesn’t belong here anymore. Not being used. Whatever. Monitor that at the bare minimum, at least monitor. Log into check. You don’t, your neighbor fort out houses down the street, logged into your wifi and Exactly. Running your uh, Yeah. That’s another thing I don’t like is with some of the companies now that they put in a router and then there’s a public wifi, I’m not, I don’t like that. And it’s very difficult to shut. You do have to tell the guy to turn it off. Yeah. You have to call up on the phone and tell, or when you’re installing, you could tell turn off on public wifi.
Yeah. I don’t need people to stand outside their, The other big thing which is outta control is password protection. Password protection. I don’t know, whatever like I use two-factor authentication on every site that offers it. It is a little bit of a pain in the butt because you have to wait for a text to come or an email to come.
So you can log into whatever you’re trying to log into. But it’s important or if you have the option, with the phones now, it has a lot of push notifications too, so if you are logging into that, yeah, it has that authentication app on with your phone. It’s automatic, they’re getting better at it, but I am a fan of it and I’m condoning it and I think they need to come up with a better, we a better like system with passwords.
Like you have to constantly, I’m changing passwords, I get, changing passwords, coming up with new passwords, then interesting. There should be one thing. Log in with your. Yeah, log in with your email’s it or your phone number. That’s it. Yeah. Hello everyone. We’d like to take this time to thank our sponsors Nationwide Payment Systems and NPS Printer.
We’d also like to shout out the listeners and everyone that’s subscribe to our YouTube channel. Thank you for tuning in. If you’d like to reach Allen or. Head over to B2B vault.info where you’ll find two forms, one to contact us and another if you’re interested in becoming a sponsor. If you’d like to sign up for a merchant account, click the Apply Now button located at the top of the page of B2B vault.info where you’ll answer a few questions and you’ll be on your way to processing payments in.
The podcast is available on Spotify, iTunes, Pandora, and other popular streaming networks. Thanks again for listening. Log in with your email or your phone number, and then it sends you a text or an email, and then you’ll approve it. You authenticate it. That’s it, and it’s it’s connected to that device.
You can. I like the way Gmail does it. Gmail’s Gmail did a great job with it. So I don’t know. They need to put, show their their competition, how they’re doing it if they want to, but they probably don’t. No. Yeah. But it’s not Gmail. It’s how it’s con connect, how, how many weapons Google did it.
It’s not just, it’s not, but that’s Google. The way Google has incorporated it into the. How you can sign into different websites and all that other stuff. And the way that it does it automatically. Yeah, they, that they’ve done it. The best job That I’ve seen. Yeah. I think it just needs, I think they gotta come up.
There’s some organization, Fido, F I D O, and they’re trying to come up with a authentication standard that’s across the board, and the other. You gotta be careful with all these. We’ve talked about it on the podcast before, but we’ll just, these P to P payment apps. And having them on your phone and making sure that they’re all secured and on two factor authentication.
Authentication also so that you don’t get money stolen outta your account. Yeah. I just canceled my cash yet. My kids are ter, they’re not very happy with pops, but I sent some money to one of my daughters. She changed her cash app name, oh. And so went to else whatever reason, Cash app stores.
This the old. Yeah. I don’t know what, No, I didn’t, I stopped the tra, I sent the money, but then I canceled it. Oh, okay. The other thing people should do is if you’re not, get some kind of free credit monitoring going cyber security month. , get that going. Credit Karma or something else that’s free.
Also, your bank usually offers, sometimes, like my bank has some Equifax thing and also Equifax. Espan. And TransUnion one time a year will let you get your credit report for free. And some of them offer a free service, And a lot of them, like I said, you’re gonna see when you log in, don’t freak out.
Oh, all my stuff’s on the dark. It’s just, outta control. And here’s, this is a something that came up this morning in a news article. And I won’t talk. I wanted to talk about just a little bit. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. They filed a lawsuit today against Global Payments, which is a credit card processor and a merchant called Active Network.
So I looked up this active network, and it’s a company that does credit card processing for charities like ymca. When somebody’s doing like a 5K run and all different kinds of activities, and what they did was is when you. Paid and I, and Ticketmaster does this too, which is highly annoying. They go, Oh, do you want to get this free thing?
And they always try to get you to sign up for stuff when you’re checking out with Ticketmaster. Oh what is that? I find it really annoying. But apparently this company went one step further and then a one click button to join a savings club. And it was charging people like, I don’t know, five or $10 monthly.
And you’re a long time ago, Visa MasterCard had put a rule in not allowing the not allowing sharing the credit card number between merchants. So you couldn’t say Oh, I bought a ticket on Ticketmaster, or you gave a donation, and then they use, flip your credit card number and use it in another transac.
What? That’s what they were doing though. Apparently it didn’t say it completely, but it looks like it from the wording of the article. So they said that the company collected over $300 million and only provided 8.4 million in benefits to those people. So discounts some of the people might not have even realized that they signed up for the.
In the thing. So like I said, practice of sharing credit card data has been against their card rules for a long time, and the. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, which I spelled the wrong , I wrote it out, CF P d, which is, they’ve been around for a while, but it’s finally, they’re actually like doing stuff, so they’re cracking down on illegal payment schemes, junk fees, I don’t know.
This dark pattern thing is like what this place was doing. They call it a dark pattern, and I just, I didn’t even know what that was. It’s kinda sinister. No, I had to look it up. So a dark pattern is when somebody’s selling something on a website and they’re not totally revealing how much you’re gonna pay.
So it’s not like completely revealed. And then you sign up for something and you don’t realize what you signed up for. Or like this one, Oh, do you want to get, join this discount club? Then you didn’t know that they were using your credit card information again, right? Which is not supposed to be, but apparently that’s what it sounded like from what, That’s a dark pattern.
So even now, like I, I remember we had a guy who wanted to sign up for processing and the bank sent a note back and they go, Oh, we don’t like this thing. Dark pattern. The guy has on his. I didn’t even know what they were talking. I said, What is that? That educate me? Nice. Never heard that terminology before, but now I know what it is.
The dark pattern. It’s just something to watch out for. Illegal payment schemes at Cyber Security Month. Make sure be vigilant with your credit. Be vigilant with your online, what you’re doing online, on your phone, on your computer, your laptop, even now your tv. It’s crazy.
Your TV’s connected to the internet. , you’re accessing Netflix and there’s tons of other services, coming out, you’re putting your card in. D so you, you plug your TV in, you’re putting your card information in, you plug your game system in. Yeah. Putting your card information in.
At that point, I think if, you just have, people have to be way more diligent and more responsible. One thing is you know, they can come up with a more, they have tokenization when it comes to like cards. So like American Express cards, they’re all pretty much tokenized.
So when you, let’s say you I have one. So if I go to the credit, Machine and I stick it in the credit card machine. , that number that’s on that card is not necessarily what’s getting processed in that machine. The chip is tokenizing the transaction. And the problem is when you’re doing like an online transaction that’s not happening, doesn’t matter.
Cause you’re punching in the number right by hand. You’re keying it in on a keyboard, or you might be keying it in on your phone or on your tv. Using a keyboard or maybe moving the remote around to key it in. And I saw a long time ago in Canada that they had these fobs that people had.
I don’t know if they still use them in Canada, but I thought it was a great idea. So I was a little fob and you just had it on you. And then when you want to do an online transaction, you would, instead of using your whole card number, you would just take your card, stick it in the device, and let’s say we had a device in the office, everybody could use it.
It’s not a device for me. , a device. Anyone could use the device. So you could just have one device in your house. Then when you want to use your card, you stick your card in there and then the chip gives you like some eight digits or something and you put that in that it, it like tokenized your card for that transaction for was good for 10 minutes.
That’s interesting. They use similar things like when they open the locks on the atm. . So you go to the atm, you want to open up. Want to open up the vault. The vault has a keypad on it, and it has a little fob, and then the person going there has a fob. They take their fob, they stick it up to the machine, and then the computer sends them back to their fob dig the code to open the machine up.
Nice. That’s, and that’s, and then they can open up the lock and, but even if I gave you the combination, it’s not gonna be good. It’s good one time. It’s a one time combination. I like it. So I think, there’s technology out there, it just needs to get put to use, just like we talk about the credit card competition act, which, we don’t like to talk about too much, but that’s the kind of thing that Dick Durbin should be paying attention to, stuff like that, right?
To put a, you want to get the cost of credit card processing. Get the call, get fraud, take care, start doing things that’s gonna alleviate fraud. , right? Email like that. Charge for emails, gmail, yahoo, aol, hotmail, whatever. All these email places start charging people for email.
If you charge people 10 bucks a month for email, like Microsoft does, people wouldn’t be open up a gazillion email accounts. No, you. And on top of that it, I don’t know. I think that it should be only three for students. No, but it makes sense. Yeah. Students should have, cuz they get a dot edu email at from the university.
That’s what I’m saying. But I’m just saying But what, Yeah, but I, you could avoid a lot of youth on social media cuz then I’m anti-regulation, but there’s also things that do need, you can’t just be out here. And our key. No, but it would, There’d be no rules, right?
No, that can’t happen. There’s gotta be rules and so there’s gotta be ways for, the emails, the email thing is just, it’s just a free for all. And it would also cut down on a lot of scammers cuz if your email is attached to you , right? Then they know oh, that’s a good email for Apple.
It’s almost like the government should start issuing them like Social security card. Yeah. Something. Yeah. Then yeah, have you have your email and that’s your part of your online identity for life? Yeah, I think it’s really important. I think it would be, I think it would be pretty pretty cool.
Except like then you, What would you do if you had to have a work email? Yeah. I guess that would be your email and you just integrate it into the work system somehow. Yeah, I’m sure that they, You’d forward it. Yeah, you forward it to your work email and then that’s it. Then you know you have a work email and a personal email.
If you leave the job, then you get, you still have your original Allen email, You have your Justin email, Alan [email protected], United states.com. Whatever. I don’t know. Yeah, that’s good. Everybody should have that at their name [email protected]. If there’s, I don’t know if there’s more than one Allen Copeman, but if there is, it could give numbers.
You’d be able to treat, It’s just like you sign up for any email you choose, right? Oh, that’s not available. The guys these older than you, when he passes on, we will recirculate that. You know what I’m saying? Yeah. Or whatever. I don’t how it. But it just seems, however, the systems that they’re doing with the social security numbers, do that with email address.
Exactly. Identify, it would cut down on a, that in itself. And charge it for email addresses, the charging for email address, when I’m talking that out with you, is troubling because imagine all the, people who can’t afford to even one, they don’t have. Internet. There could be, They don’t have internet.
And then too, like now we’re gonna charge ’em to get an email address. And you need an email address to, to fill out application? No. I’m saying like there should be a free email address. That does limited stuff. And then if you get into like bus, you’re, if it’s attached to a business, Right?
And you’re sending out more than X amount, I don’t know how many email, like even if I email if that I think that they should keep you how that guy with Bitcoin, the way he, That is smart. If you’re not, if you’ve never sent this person an email before, and you’re cold. You shouldn’t be able to do that.
You should. There’s gotta be I get so many messages on LinkedIn. It’s ridiculous. On LinkedIn. Every day I get 30, 40 messages. I don’t know. Yeah, LinkedIn definitely need to do something better than what they’re doing and LinkedIn also needs to. Organi give you the, give you a way to organize your email box to like people, messages you wanna return because they don’t it’s impossible to deal with.
And then you have to go in there and Oh, I don’t want to talk to this guy. Delete, delete. Yeah. I’ve missed several opportunities. Yeah. Because of how, Cause it’s not organized, it doesn’t push up the, like how in, Gmail, it organizes it to update. Promotions, social, and then you, your inbox and you can forward flag the images the emails that you want to go to your inbox.
Or you can forward ’em to the folder that you want them to go into. But, and even Microsoft, their product is horrible now too. Like they should have a, they have two things. You have focused and other, and they should just have it where you’re like, Oh, this one’s important. You can flag it and it moves it to the top.
That’s what filters are for. That’s what I’m not so great with, setting up the filters, setting up all the filters. Yeah. It’s, but I just try to, It’s something that we were forced to do, like Gmail, it’s before they created those. Cause I’ve been using the G-Suite since it launched, since literally I, we were beta users for that. And then, from that point you had to create, The Allen folder, The nationwide page. Yeah. I have folders for people, but I’m been saying like every time an email comes for you, I don’t have to go look in my focused email, it goes straight to the Allen inbox.
I’m just saying I get so much garbage. It’s just crazy and it’s next, next, Too impossible. That’s how you filter it out though, sir. Okay. I’ll have you come set up my emails.
That’s what happens when you, It is extra. It is extra. All right, so that’s today’s podcast on cyber security and it’s cyber security month. So be it more aware of your cyber security. Make a list, maybe make a checklist. We’ll put a checklist in the notes of things people should be doing. We’ll give them like a top five or 10 things Sure.
In the podcast notes and yeah, check it out. Find B2B vault everywhere. Just at B2B Vault. We’re all over the place. All the podcast networks, YouTube, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, TikTok. So everybody have a great day. PC Carpay, dm, Peace Cyber Security Month.