Cash Discount Program

Eliminate All Credit Card Processing Fees

Cash discount saves business owners money on processing fees by applying a small transaction fee. Thousands of companies are already using our compliant program to accept payments. Our cash discount program is an alternative to traditional payment processing.

True Cash Discount is a unique payment processing solution designed to reward customers who choose to pay with cash. It’s a simple concept that can make a big difference in your bottom line. Instead of dealing with card fees that eat into your profits, Cash Discount offers customers an automatic discount when they pay with cash at the point of sale.

Merchants Save Money On Every Transaction

The rising cost of accepting credit cards is a reality. Are you looking for an easier, less expensive way to accept payments? The Nationwide Payment Systems Cash Discount Program is your solution; apply a small fee to all purchases. You can join thousands of business owners across the USA who are keeping up with current payment processing trends and saving money with Cash Discount- Dual Pricing.

Cash Discount Program

Here’s how Cash Discount works:

  • Transparent Pricing: With our cash discount program, there are no hidden fees. You can enjoy straightforward discounts based on our suggested retail price, allowing you to keep more of your hard-earned money.
  • Clear Payment Options: True cash discount provides a dual pricing display, ensuring customers know exactly what they’re getting. This transparency builds trust and confidence in your business.
  • Seamless Integration: Implementing a cash discount program is hassle-free! Our system supports Semi Integrated protocol, making integrating with your existing payment terminals easy without disruptions.
  • Enhanced Customer Experience: cash discount allows you to provide full pricing disclosure using our consumer hardware devices. This means your customers can make informed decisions and appreciate the transparency you offer.

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The Cash Discount uses a legal program that can be used in all 50 states, that was created to help merchants save money and give business an alternative to standard credit card processing rates and fees. Businesses will reduce their credit card processing fees by applying a service charge to each sale they make.

How does the Cash Discount Program Benefit Business owners?

With Cash Discount, you can reduce your merchant service costs with little to no impact on your current sales volume. Cash Discount is a legally compliant and patented automatic cash discount software is available in all 50 States and works on all credit card types, including mobile wallets such as Apple Pay. Even better, this technology can work on countertop terminals, mobile terminals and more.

How do we do it?

The Cash Discount program uses a legal program that can be used in all 50 states, that was created to offer merchants an alternative to standard credit card processing fees. With our Cash Discount program, merchants can reduce their credit card processing fees by applying a small service charge to each sale.

There are two federal court cases/ laws allow all businesses to offer a cash discount.

The Durbin Amendment is a provision of United States federal law, 15 U.S.C. § 1693o-2.  It was passed as part of the Dodd-Frank financial reform legislation in 2010. 

Ohio v. American Express Co., 585 U.S. ___ (2018), was a United States Supreme Court case regarding the nature of antitrust law in relation to two-sided markets. The case specifically involves policies set by some credit card banks that prevented merchants from steering customers to use cards from other issuers with lower transaction fees, forcing merchants to pay higher transaction fees to the banks. While Visa and MasterCard settled with the United States Department of Justice in 2010, American Express defended its practice by arguing that the anti-steering policies

benefited its cardholders, the higher transaction fees helping to maintain member services. While the Department of Justice and several states prevailed during a District Court trial in 2015 citing harm to the merchants, the Appeals Court reversed the District Court’s ruling in 2016 by ruling that the plaintiffs had not shown harm to both sides of the two-side market, a novel test in anti-trust law. This decision led to some of the states to appeal to the Supreme Court. The case was heard by the Court in February 2018.

The Court issued its decision on June 25, 2018, affirming the Appeals Court’s ruling that steering provisions do not violate antitrust laws. With this decision upheld.

What do we charge?

We charge a monthly fee for equipment rental with a full warranty and the fee you pass on to the customer is 4%. We offer countertop terminals, wireless terminals that use WIFI and we have a 4G solution for mobile businesses.

What is a cash discount?

A “cash discount” happens when a merchant decreases the price for cash purchases. The program does not discriminate against one card over another. Cash Discounts reward customers for paying by a particular means and/or for not using a particular means of payment. Cash discount programs have been available for years to many other merchants including higher education, government, gas stations and utility providers, but only recently have the federal regulations been changed to allow independent business owners to use the same programs.

Cash discount is different than a surcharge?

A “surcharge” occurs when a merchant increases the price for credit card purchases. A “cash discount” happens when a merchant decreases the price posted for their goods and services for alternative payment/purchases. No surcharges or fees are allowed on debit card transactions, specifically PIN-based debit. We also offer the surcharge program if that fits your business better.

How does it work?

We use an app that you install on your Smart Terminal and you add the fee and it is automatically calculated at the time of the sale, the customer sees the cash price and the credit price on the screen. This small fee offsets your processing fees so you pay almost $0.00 for processing fees.

Can any business use Cash Discount?

Cash Discount is the ideal solution for a variety of service-based industries including retail, food and beverage, personal services, and professional services. Most businesses who use our program have an average ticket sale between $14-75, but any business can use the program! You pay baggage fees at the Airport, you pay extra fees at hotels, resorts and rental car now customers are getting used to paying extra fees for all types of good and services no matter what the price is.

How much money will your business save?

The only fee you will pay is for the equipment rental, There are no other fees!

Can I switch back to Traditional pricing or flat pricing?

Yes you can make the switch, businesses enjoy the savings and customers have become accustomed to seeing businesses pass the fee.

Do I get signage for my business?

Yes we send you signs you can post by your register

How much will my customers get charged?

Usually 3.75% to 3.99% or 4% we leave that up to you. We can also set you up with custom pricing if needed, call us or set up an appointment

How do we determine the fee?

It can be a fixed fee or a percentage (4%) We can look at your monthly volume and average sale and let you know if you qualify for a custom rate.

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